How AI Will Change Personalized Mobile Experiences

When Gartner Research Vice President Annette Zimmermann wrote in 2018 that “By 2022, your personal device will know more about your emotional state than your own family,” it might have seemed far-fetched. Today, however, her words ring true and we have even gone way past that point. With artificial intelligence (AI) blazing across multiple industries at breakneck speed, businesses can now understand their customers’ needs on emotional levels we never thought possible. In fact, AI might be the difference between early diagnosis and a life-altering disease, just like this AI-powered Apple Watch app that helps monitor Parkinson’s symptoms.

While there are many concerns today on how organizations collect and use customer data, there can be no debate about how these collected data have helped to shape the experiences consumers have when using digital products. Mobile devices are a touchpoint for all we do and the experiences are becoming even more personalized.

As the AI wave sweeps across the enterprise landscape, transforming everything in its path, the world of mobile experiences hasn’t been left out. Here’s how AI will bring the reality of more personalized mobile experiences closer than we have ever known.

Personalization isn’t a walk in the park

Personalization is a vital element that keeps mobile experiences alive. With mobile personalization, apps can leverage data from various sources- including device type, location, usage patterns, and more- to tailor the user experience. Incorporating these strategies results in personalized app experiences that resonate with individual users. This is a crucial step towards ensuring that app users always feel valued and understood, which can lead to increased loyalty and app engagement.

The journey to personalized mobile experiences has not been a hitch-free ride. As with any advanced AI application, large volumes of (often sensitive) data is required for optimal results. At the same time, regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, have been enforcing strict rules when it comes to the use of this much-needed data

While marketers might see it as a gag order, it is a privacy right for consumers who want to be selective about which personal information they hand out and the ones they wish not to share. Feeding directly into this is the competitive nature of big tech like Google who have been seen to pounce on and leverage customer data.

These tech titans often have access to vast amounts of data, which can be used to increase profitability (i.e., data monetization) or improve the performance of their broader business networks. Moreover, big tech also makes it difficult to achieve personalization by essentially blocking third-party transfers.

There is equally the long-term issue of optimizing mobile experiences for people with disabilities (PWDs). While there has been some development on that front, a lot more is expected. A report by The International Labor Organization found that “PWDs frequently experience digital exclusion as they encounter many difficulties when it comes to being able to afford or access information and communications technologies (ICTs) and the internet due to a myriad of factors.”

However, the good news is that forward-thinking innovators are now getting some of these challenges solved with AI. Venture capitalists have continued to pour money into AI-powered platforms, with over $20 billion invested so far in 2023, according to Crunchbase, thanks to the impact these platforms are having across multiple industries. Stastista notes the global AI market will be worth nearly $2 trillion by 2030, showing that AI-powered platforms with the right product fit and strategies are on course into a promising future.

Generative AI is radically changing mobile user experience and has been listed by Gartner as one of the technologies that will have the biggest impact on customer service and support strategies within the next five years. Lerna AI is disrupting this space by enabling hyper-personalization that optimizes the time and content for each user’s behavior at any moment.

Hyper-personalization from Montreal with love

Lerna AIs Co-founder and CEO, Georgios Depastas, speaking at Mobidictum Conference 2023.

Led by visionaries out of Montreal, Canada, Lerna AI is revolutionizing the mobile experience landscape with an innovative AI system that promises not just recommendations but hyper-personalized suggestions, doubling click-through rates for users in comparison to traditional recommender systems.

Georgios Kellaris and Georgios Depastas, the co-founding duo at the helm of the company, say their system is not just another run-of-the-mill recommendation engine, as it boasts a 100% improvement in relevance over traditional recommender systems, reshaping engagement and monetization strategies for mobile-centric businesses. Lerna AI is poised to become a touchstone for privacy-conscious personalization in mobile technology. With eyes set on industries like e-commerce and entertainment, the company wants to redefine personal mobile experiences for users around the globe, proving that the connection between sophisticated technology and the end user can be both intimate and secure.

“Our technology fundamentally changes how mobile businesses personalize experiences,” asserts Depastas. “We’re bridging the gap between tailored suggestions and privacy, delivering recommendations that truly resonate with each user without encroaching on their personal space,” he adds.

Meeting regulation with innovation

Unlike traditional methods that rely on accumulating user data, Lerna AI’s approach is refreshingly different. Its system processes user preferences directly on the devices, employing advanced machine-learning techniques to understand individual users and create tailored suggestions based on their unique interests. A key aspect of Lerna AI’s approach is the utilization of a distributed system, allowing the algorithm to learn from user behaviors and patterns without compromising privacy. Incorporating advanced privacy techniques like federated learning, differential privacy, and secure multi-party computation, Lerna AI ensures top-tier protection of user data.

The result? Unparalleled personalization that adapts recommendations based on real-time user context, delivering content precisely when it’s most relevant. Their system doubled clickthrough rates in comparative tests, a testament to its effectiveness.

Lerna AI aims to empower companies to offer experiences as unique as their users, tailoring services precisely to their desires while keeping data secure and under user control.

Already making inroads across various sectors- e-commerce, entertainment, news, and social media- Lerna AI’s SDK and API promise to elevate personalization for leading apps with minimal integration effort. With the imminent launch, Lerna AI is poised to join the ranks of other companies racing to lead the charge in the evolution of AI technology.

The post How AI Will Change Personalized Mobile Experiences appeared first on Datafloq.

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