Essential Disaster Prediction Technology for Saving Live

As climate change exacerbates the number and intensity of natural disasters, predicting them has become more important than ever, especially with the world population soaring. Technology has allowed great strides in the field of emergency management and saved countless lives. Here are the most promising tech innovations helping mitigate disasters.

Modern Observation Equipment

Most disasters are weather related, which means predicting them well in advance is often possible. Currently, more than 40% of Americans live in counties that were affected by climate disasters in 2021. The first step in preventing future climate-related deaths is by detecting disasters early.

Modern disaster detection equipment may be active or passive and includes Doppler radar, automated surface observing systems, geostationary and polar-orbiting satellites and wind-profiling systems. This equipment sends data to local weather stations and large, central supercomputing facilities for interpretation.

The ability to remotely sense physical and environmental changes without installing permanent instruments is one of the greatest advances in modern technology. Tools such as lidar, GPS and satellite imagery work together to inform scientists about upcoming weather events. They also allow meteorologists to gather data in dangerous conditions with less personal risk.

Predictive AI Software

After compiling data, the next step is to use it to make predictions. Artificial intelligence shines when it comes to analyzing vast stores of information, and it can track metrics like weather conditions and intensity over time. This quality makes it an excellent tool for predicting natural disasters.

Researchers are working to develop better predictive AI software. With the help of flood simulations and rainfall records, artificial intelligence software may be able to forecast upcoming floods. AI can already use geological and seismic data to predict volcanic eruptions.

AI software also uses seismic data to look at the magnitude and locations of past earthquakes, speculating where the next tremors and aftershocks will hit. Additionally, AI uses satellite imagery to predict the path and intensity of damaging weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes.

Artificial intelligence is still in its infancy. However, the machine learning field has seen such rapid growth in recent years that AI could emerge as a leading technology for weather prediction.

Improved Warning Systems

The last component of disaster mitigation is to use predictions to warn people, informing them how dangerous conditions could be and whether they should evacuate. Early warning systems are one of the most effective types of technology for preventing disaster-related injuries and death.

Location-based text messaging systems are one way governments prepare people for impending disasters. Text messages can convey the predicted time of the disaster, who should evacuate, which roads are open and other crucial information. Since its 2012 debut, public officials have used the Wireless Emergency Alert system 78,000 times to issue alerts on everything from severe weather to missing children.

In the absence of cell service – due to downed cell towers or power lines – officials often use LoRa communication technology. Although the name stands for “long range,” this form of radio communication works best for sending messages to recipients no more than 10 miles away.

IoT-connected warning systems are another new type of disaster prediction technology. For example, a network of electronic alarms in South Africa surveys for wildfires, providing real-time monitoring and text alerts to nearby residents. An expanded network of internet-connected cameras and sensors in cities, rural regions and even uninhabited locations could give valuable insights into upcoming weather conditions.

Using Tech for Good

Disaster prediction technology has saved untold numbers of lives. However, it still has room for improvement. Technological advancements in the form of predictive AI, improved observation equipment and better warning systems will likely save millions of people from the effects of natural disasters. And as the climate rapidly changes, that technology cannot come soon enough.

The post Essential Disaster Prediction Technology for Saving Live appeared first on Datafloq.

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