Generative AI: Security Risks and Strategic Opportunities

As everyone is aware, artificial intelligence is becoming more powerful every day. The transformative power of generative AI has redefined the boundaries of artificial intelligence, prompting a surge in... Read more »

E.U. Reaches Deal on Landmark AI Bill, Racing Ahead of U.S.

Introduction In a groundbreaking move, the European Union (E.U.) has reached a historic deal on a comprehensive law to regulate artificial intelligence (AI). This landmark agreement positions the E.U.... Read more »

Generative AI Playbook For Architects, IT Leaders & CXOs

(Part 1 appeared yesterday in A&G here) Dr. Gopala Krishna Behara Generative AI Adoption Steps The following are the steps to follow to perform Generative AI adoption across the... Read more »

Enterprise AI Governance

OVERVIEW Lack of AI Governance leads to the following enterprise level issues, Siloed and ad-hoc AI software development driven by a tactical approach Enterprise cannot maintain proper alignment of... Read more »

The future is here! The future is AI powered Automation

Welcome to a future where innovation and progress collide, giving birth to a realm fueled by the extraordinary fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. Brace yourself, for the... Read more »

Design and Manufacturing of Quadruped Robot Parts

The advancements in robotics have opened doors for machines with autonomous locomotion abilities. Four-legged quadrupled robots, having the ability to move freely, represent a paradigm leap in technology. Quadrupled... Read more »

Shifting Through the Ashes: Unraveling the Secrets of Gemini AI

Introduction Gemini AI, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, represents a paradigm shift in the world of artificial intelligence. This comprehensive overview will take you on a mesmerizing... Read more »

How Generative AI Will Disrupt Business Operations

This is a summary of my article on how Generative AI Affects Organisations. The exponential growth in adoption of generative AI (GenAI) across global enterprises is reshaping operations fundamentally... Read more »

How to Use AWS FSx in Your Next Data Project

AWS FSx is a fully managed file storage service provided by Amazon Web Services. It is designed to provide cost-efficient, scalable, and high-performance storage solutions for a wide range... Read more »

Benefits of Building Next-gen Web Apps With ML Capabilities

In today’s digital landscape, the fusion of machine learning (ML) capabilities with web applications have ushered in a new era of innovation and functionality. Among these robust frameworks, Ruby... Read more »
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