Navigating the AI Revolution: Impact on Jobs and Society

The below is a summary of my recent article on how AI will be a job killer. In the exploration of the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and... Read more »

Is Our Education System Optimizing For The Wrong Outcomes?

I have come to the conclusion that we’re not optimizing for the right outcomes as we move students through today’s educational system. In any endeavor, we have goals and... Read more »

Why Prompt Engineering Won’t Be A Thing

The concept of a prompt engineering career has received attention with the explosion of generative AI tools and platforms. A prompt engineer is effectively a “prompt whisperer” who knows... Read more »

The Case That Generative AI Will Create Jobs

Lots of attention has been given to the concerns of job losses that can be caused by AI, and I’ve even written of my own concerns about AI’s impact... Read more »

ESG Employment Opportunities: Exploring Sustainable Career Paths

As the world becomes more conscious of its environmental impact, jobs in the Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) space have emerged. ESG refers to the various environmental, social, and... Read more »

What Data Science Can Learn From Blacksmiths

It is widely accepted that newly graduated analytics and data science students require substantial investment from their first employer to become productive. While new graduates will always require more... Read more »

AI-Driven Job Losses in Unexpected Places

Like many of you reading this, I’ve been pondering the implications of the leaps forward AI has taken in recent months. Between DALL-E, ChatGPT, and others, we’ve seen some... Read more »

How AI is Changing Recruitment

AI is already having an impact on the recruitment industry by automating and streamlining key parts of the hiring process. While this has led to better efficiency for employers,... Read more »
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