Large Language Model Usage: Assessing The Risks And Ethics

With the ever-expanding use of large language models (LLMs) to generate information for users, there is an urgent need to assess and understand the risks and ethical implications of... Read more »

The Role of Corporate Governance in Building Trust and Transparency

Reputation and information security management require meticulous efforts encompassing legal compliance, data protection, and accounting precision. Corporations also demonstrate self-regulation capabilities to develop healthy relationships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs)... Read more »

Six Use Cases of Conversational AI in Public Sector Governance

Today’s citizens expect seamless, convenient interactions with government entities, akin to the experiences they have with consumer-facing businesses. However, public sector organizations often struggle to meet these rising expectations... Read more »

Building a Robust Data Governance Framework for Organizational Success

Rising cybercriminal activities targeting enterprise intelligence assets and misusing individuals’ personally identifiable information (PII) highlight the need for improved corporate data governance standards. Accordingly, regulatory bodies worldwide have enforced... Read more »

Tech-Leadership: Steering the Digital Era with Ethics

The below is a summary of my article on why every executive leader needs to be a techno-optimist. In today’s rapidly advancing digital landscape, C-suite leaders are at the... Read more »

AI & Data Science Predictions For 2024

What’s coming up in the world of AI and data science in 2024? I’ll provide my thoughts here. I haven’t done a blog with predictions for a number of... Read more »

Enterprise AI Governance

OVERVIEW Lack of AI Governance leads to the following enterprise level issues, Siloed and ad-hoc AI software development driven by a tactical approach Enterprise cannot maintain proper alignment of... Read more »

When Pristine Data Isn’t Pristine

The data that you consider pristine and absolutely perfect for its intended use can turn into an absolute mess overnight if the data is used in a different way.... Read more »

6 Reasons Why Companies Fail at Data Governance

This article was written with Teresa Kovich, Principal Consultant at Das42. Everywhere we go in the cloud data space today, we’re hearing one message loud and clear: “you should... Read more »
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