Data Migration: Definition, Types, Process & Best-practices

It has long been known that data is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, assets to literally any business or organization. The message is not new and... Read more »

The Guide to UML Diagramming and Database Modeling

Unified Modeling Language, or UML as it’s commonly known, has become a fundamental tool in the arsenal of software developers, system designers, and database architects. While its applications span... Read more »

Virtualized Security Best Practices: Protecting Your Data and Applications

With over 80% of workloads worldwide virtualized, security is a concern for organizations regardless of size, goal, and industry. Proper protection systems for organizations’ workloads and data are necessary... Read more »

5 Most Common Database Structures for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, it’s important to have a database management system that can efficiently handle and organize your data. A database structure is the backbone of any... Read more »

5 Amazing Ways How Data Modernization Can Benefit Your Business

In today’s digital age, data is king. But collecting and storing data is no longer enough, so businesses are fast moving towards modernizing their data practices to truly benefit... Read more »

What is Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), and How Should Your Company Approach It?

If you work at a large or a mid-sized company that is currently undergoing a digital transformation, you are probably witnessing the following issues: Data inconsistency across the organization... Read more »
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