Security Think Tank: Security culture must underpin vaccine passports

There are various topics we need to address with regard to any kind of vaccine passport. If we skip those areas, then securing it will become even more challenging... Read more »

The Ultimate Guide to Using the OneDrive Troubleshooter

OneDrive is generally a very reliable way of storing and sharing files. However, from time to time, you may run into issues when using OneDrive. For instance, some users... Read more »

NCSC offers teachers free cyber security training

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has released a free cyber security training package for teachers and other school staff, setting out steps to take to help mitigate... Read more »

EU lays out plans to regulate AI development

The European Union (EU) has published a proposal for new artificial intelligence (AI) regulations to address trust in AI and protect the privacy of EU citizens. A draft of... Read more »

SonicWall Email Security zero-days need urgent patch

Users of SonicWall Email Security are being urged to patch a series of three critical zero-days that were first identified almost a fortnight ago, but are likely to have... Read more »

Time is running out to probe networks for Emotet

As law enforcement agencies prepare to deliver the final, fatal blow to the Emotet botnet on Sunday 25 April 2021, threat analysts at Redscan have issued a reminder to... Read more »

Health app myGP adds Covid-19 vaccine passport function

The developers of the NHS-linked myGP mobile healthcare management app are to introduce a vaccination certification feature – cooked up alongside V-Health Passports – designed to enable Apple iPhone... Read more »

UK’s proposed IoT cyber security law gathers momentum

Skyrocketing ownership of smart, connected internet of things (IoT) devices among the general public demonstrates the necessity of the UK government’s proposed new cyber security laws, according to the... Read more »

Chinese APT exploits critical CVE in Pulse Secure VPN

Users of Pulse Secure VPN are being urged to patch a newly disclosed authentication bypass zero-day that enables an unauthenticated user to perform remote arbitrary file execution on the... Read more »

Security Think Tank: ‘Legitimate interest’ crucial for vaccine passports

There are now discernible paths out of the current Covid-related lockdowns. One such path is the use of so-called vaccine passports, but what form would they take and, if... Read more »
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