Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure: How It Can Benefit Your Business?

Hybrid cloud infrastructure is now the preferred choice for modern businesses, and rightfully so. It allows enterprises to combine the power of public cloud services with the security of... Read more »

What is a Relational Database Management System

If you are new to database administration or database development, you have no doubt heard the phrase “relational database management system” being tossed around. As database programmers or those... Read more »

How To Comment in SQL

Regardless of the programming language you operate in, code can quickly become cluttered, unreadable, and difficult to understand. This issue is particularly compounded when you consider that every programmer... Read more »

How to Use the SQL SELECT DISTINCT Statement

In a previous tutorial, we discussed how to use the SQL SELECT statement to return values from a table. In today’s database programming tutorial, we will learn how to... Read more »

What is MySQL?

In this database programming and database administration tutorial, we are going to answer the commonly asked question: What is MySQL? We will discuss its features, pros and cons, benefits,... Read more »

What is SQL?

Database administrators – or those that handle the administrative tasks associated with running a database system, rely on a database programming language to issue queries to retrieve and manipulate... Read more »

How to Use the SQL SELECT Statement

When working with databases, one common function is to create a query whereby a database programmer or administrator needs to select some data from from a table within a... Read more »

Best Certifications for Database Administrators

Database administrators are responsible for the day to day management of database environments, including relational databases management systems, cloud databases, or those used for database-driven web applications. Database administration... Read more »

Best Online Courses to Learn SQL

Structured Query Language – also known as SQL – is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. Without a doubt, it is the most widely... Read more »

mariadb vs. MySQL

Data management and storage are important features when considering the software options for developing a website or e-commerce store. MySQL and MariaDB both offer support features to match a... Read more »
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