The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence

These days, technology is advancing at a rate much faster than most people can keep up with. This also means, unfortunately, that cybersecurity faces unparalleled challenges.

The increasing reliance on interconnected systems, the proliferation of data, and the emergence of transformative technologies and new use cases are reshaping the threat landscape.

These innovations are creating opportunities, too, though, and in this article, we explore the ways both defenders and adversaries are leveraging emerging technologies to shape the future of digital security.

What jumps out of this is that navigating the current threat landscape requires a multifaceted approach. Cybersecurity professionals must develop a comprehensive understanding of how these technologies can be exploited, while also exploring ways to leverage them to enhance their own defense mechanisms.

Artificial Intelligence and GenAI

On the defensive side, AI is transforming how security professionals predict, detect, and respond to threats. AI systems excel at real-time data analysis, which allows for faster threat detection and response. They also aid in threat intelligence and are being deployed to take certain security tasks off human agents.

GenAI, in particular, enables a shift from reactive to proactive cybersecurity because, being trained on vast amounts of historical data, GenAI models can identify patterns and predict future events.

However, the accessibility and versatility of AI don’t go one way only. They also empower malicious actors and cybercriminals, who are increasingly using AI and ML to automate attacks at a larger scale than previously thought possible.  According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Cybersecurity Outlook, approximately 50% of executives believe the primary impact of GenAI on cybersecurity would be in advancing adversarial capabilities.

For instance, these actors are already using GenAI for malicious activities like creating convincing phishing emails and deepfakes, as well as developing adaptive malware. These incidents necessitate continuous development and refinement of security measures to counter evolving threats.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computers are renowned for being able to solve complex mathematical problems that are practically impossible for classical computers. While this seems to be a necessary innovation, one significant cyber threat that quantum computing poses is its potential to break current encryption methods, particularly those relying on public-key cryptography.

The far-reaching implications of this include jeopardizing the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data. Thankfully, commercially viable quantum computers capable of such feats are not yet readily available. But the speed of technological advancement so far tells us that their arrival is no longer far off.

Mosca’s Theorem

In fact, malicious actors have been employing a “harvest now, decrypt later” strategy by stealing massive amounts of encrypted data today with the intent of decrypting it once powerful quantum computers become available. To address these looming threats, robust, proactive cyber defense measures are necessary.

The cybersecurity industry has been innovating means to counter the threats, notably by developing quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms (or post-quantum cryptography). The transition to PQC and other quantum-safe technologies will be crucial for maintaining cybersecurity in the quantum and post-quantum age. But despite acknowledging the high risk quantum computing poses to their data security, only 25% of firms are addressing it in their risk management strategies.

Blockchain Technology and Web3

Over the years, blockchain technology has been rapidly expanding its influence beyond the financial sector. Its inherent security and decentralized transparency have always made it particularly exciting to bolster cybersecurity across diverse applications.

One area where blockchain shows some promise is in securing personal identity by providing a virtually unforgeable method for managing digital identities. It can also improve data security in various sectors, including healthcare and engineering, by regulating access through private keys and mitigating the risks of data breaches.

The emergence of Web3 further amplifies the potential for enhanced cybersecurity. A key promise of Web3 is enabling user-centric data control, combined with the inherent security of blockchain. This enables the building of decentralized systems that are more resilient to attacks since there is no single point of failure.

At this time, many companies are transitioning their applications from Web2 to Web3 or at least incorporating elements of the latter into their existing apps. So, a multi-layered approach to security that addresses both Web2 and Web3 vulnerabilities is necessary.

Neuromorphic Computing

There has always been some sort of romance between computer science and neuroscience. Neuroscientists are fascinated by the many ways in which the human brain is like a computer, and computer scientists have increasingly focused on achieving computing that is more human brain-like. Neuromorphic computing is one of the latest advancements in this regard.


Unlike traditional computing systems that rely on binary code, neuromorphic computing utilizes electronic circuits to emulate the intricate network of neurons and synapses found in the brain. This approach allows neuromorphic systems to process information in a parallel and event-driven manner, mimicking the brain’s ability to learn and adapt to new information and patterns So, where does cybersecurity come in?

For one, this brain-inspired approach allows neuromorphic systems to analyze vast amounts of data in real time, especially in high-throughput environments where traditional cybersecurity tools often struggle to keep up with the volume of data and connections.

Furthermore, neuromorphic computing enables the development of more efficient AI systems that can perform complex tasks with significantly less power consumption compared to traditional approaches. This efficiency makes them suitable for deployment in resource-constrained environments, such as edge devices and IoT networks.

Despite this potential, the development and implementation of neuromorphic systems present challenges related to their complexity and potential vulnerabilities. Building and training these systems requires expertise in specialized algorithms and hardware, not to mention the ethical implications and considerations of using brain-inspired technology.


As biotechnological advancements become increasingly reliant on digital systems and data, they also become susceptible to cyber threats, demanding a heightened awareness of the evolving risk landscape. In fact, the convergence of biotechnology and cybersecurity is creating a new domain of cyberbiosecurity (or biocybersecurity), underscoring the need for a holistic approach.

One significant concern in this domain is the security of data generated and utilized by biotech companies. Such data often include valuable intellectual property, sensitive research data, and proprietary algorithms, all of which are attractive targets for cybercriminals seeking financial gain or competitive advantage. Healthcare, an industry served by biotechnology, accounts for over 6% of all cyberattacks globally.


The increasing use of cloud-based resources and remote work infrastructures in the life sciences industry further complicates the situation by expanding the attack surface while biotech companies become increasingly subject to sophisticated phishing campaigns.

More so, the growing field of biomanufacturing, with its increasing reliance on digital control systems, data analytics, and supply chain networks, also creates new vulnerabilities that could potentially impact production safety on a large scale.

In short, a systems-level approach to cyberbiosecurity is crucial for addressing these risks, encompassing the security of information technology (IT) infrastructure, operational technology (OT) systems, data integrity, supply chain security, and physical security measures. As biotechnology continues to advance and its integration with digital systems deepens, the importance of cybersecurity will only continue to grow.


As AI, quantum computing, and all these other technological advancements continue to evolve, organizations must adopt a proactive and adaptable security posture to safeguard their valuable assets and navigate this new era of digital risks.

This includes investing in advanced threat detection systems that utilize AI and ML, implementing zero-trust architectures, strengthening software security practices, and fostering a cyber-aware workforce.

Also, governments, industry leaders, and cybersecurity experts must work together to establish industry standards, share threat intelligence, develop comprehensive regulations, and address the growing cyber skills gap to effectively stay ahead of the curve against adversaries.

The post The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence appeared first on Datafloq.

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