Integrating Security Scans into Your IaC Workflow

Today’s DevOps environment is dynamic, Infrastructure as Code (laC) has changed how we manage and implement network infrastructure. The risk of security weaknesses within systemized tasks increases as the incorporation of laC grows.

Implementing a security scan into your laC workflow is vital to make sure your resources remain resilient and protected. This piece probes the importance of incorporating security checks into laC practices, providing practical steps and the best way to keep your infrastructure safe from potential hazards.

Understanding Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

As stated by Thales, among those who suffered a cloud data breach recently, 55% of users identified human mistakes as the major contributor.

Infrastructure as Code( laC) is a modern way to manage networks and computer systems by using code instead of a manual setup. Think of it like a recipe for your computer setup that makes managing and repeating tasks easy. 

laC includes key principles that include automation, consistency, and version control. Treating infrastructure configuration as software code makes it possible to monitor changes, go back to previous states, and ensure coherence across environments.

There are several benefits of using laC in DevOps and cloud infrastructure management; they include

1. Consistency and reliability: Infrastructure configurations are detailed in code and can be duplicated across various environments without any irregularities. With this, the risk of errors and deviation from standard.

2. Speed and efficiency: By streamlining infrastructure setup and maintenance, laC improves efficiency and speed. This enables fast incorporation and upsizing which is indeed of great value in fast-paced cloud environments.

3. Collaboration: laC encourages the partnership among development and operations teams by offering harmonized language and data management systems. This helps promote better communication and minimize obstacles.

4. Auditing and Data recovery: Due to laC disaster recovery and auditing support infrastructure can be tracked and restored quickly 

Several well-known laC tools provide special features that make laC easier. Terraform by Hashicorp is an example, it supports several cloud providers and controls resources with a high-level language. Ansible by Red Hat automates tasks and is very easy to use without the need for extra software on servers.

AWS cloud formation sets up AWS service by using very simple templates. These tools empower organizations to incorporate laC making managing infrastructure quicker and more effective.

When considering cybersecurity tools for startups, integrating IaC can enhance both security and operational efficiency, ensuring robust protection and streamlined processes.

The Importance of Security in IaC

Providing automation, flexibility, and consistency,  Infrastructure as code has changed how we control and disperse cloud computing resources. Despite this effective technique, it also brings about security exposures that call for the need to be addressed to ensure a sophisticated and safe infrastructure.

Here is an overview of the potential risks involved in iaC scripts if it is not secured properly, common risks include:

– Misconfigured resources: Sensitive information can become vulnerable to attacks when there is a wrong setting in iaC scripts

– Hardcoded secrets: Installing credentials in IaC code directly can result in a data breach if the code is susceptible

– Inadequate access controls: When access is not clear, specific,  and well-established, it can make way for malicious users to alter infrastructure which leads to a breach.

Failure to integrate security into laC workflows has severe consequences, including:

– Data breaches: Having weaknesses in infrastructure causes illegal entry, resulting in financial loss and cyber theft.

– Operational disruptions: Security breaches can cause a system outage. This affects the usability and reliability of the service.

– Regulatory non-compliance: Security standards must be met and non-compliance can result in severe consequences like sanctions and reputational damage.

Preemptively Implementing security into laC workflows comes with various benefits:

– Enhanced protection: Checking security scans regularly and systematic verifications is important, it helps to find and alleviate shortcomings before they are taken advantage of.

– Consistency and compliance: With automated security policies, infrastructures will remain cooperative with the best practices and standards of the industry.

– Improved collaboration: A precautionary mindset is encouraged by incorporating security in the development process doing this, there will be cooperation between development and security teams.

Types of Security Scans for IaC

There are different types of security scans that can be integrated into IaC workflow to find and alleviate weaknesses, let us discuss the three primary types of security scans which are: Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Analysis Security Testing (DAST), and Container Security Scanning.

Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST)

What is SAST all about? 

It involves examining the IaC code for security weaknesses without executing it, SAST is usually performed in the early development stage. 


  • It allows teams to find and provide solutions to security problems before implementation.
  • Detects common weaknesses like a violation in compliance, weak configurations, and implicit credentials.


  • Common tools include: tfsec, Terrascan, and Checkov

Model procedures

  •  Incorporating these tools into CI/CD pipelines for automatic analysis. 
  • Making use of established security rules
  • Updating tools regularly to be aware of the latest weaknesses.

Dynamic Analysis Security Testing (DAST)

DAST is different from SAST, unlike SAST, DAST involves testing the infrastructure for security exposures. In this type of testing the testers imitate a real cyber attack to find loopholes that may not show through SAST. 


  • Identifies issues like exposed APIs, open ports, and operational weaknesses.


  • ZAP( Zed attack proxy}, Acunetix, Burp Suite( PortSwigger), and Nitco are tools commonly used for DAST.

Model Procedures

  • Run DAST scans in a test environment that replicates production, this helps to test and make changes before implementing them into production.
  • Scan regularly to find new weaknesses
  • For broad security protection, combine DAST with SAST.

Container Security Scanning

Container Security Scanning focuses on analyzing container images to find security holes, compliance problems, and incorrect setups.


  • It ensures that only safe and standardized images are implemented in production.


  • Anchore, Clair, and Aqua Security

Model Procedures

  • Analyse container images as a part of the CI/CD pipeline using original images from authentic sources
  • Update container images regularly to add new security updates.

Integrating Security Scans into the IaC Workflow

A precautionary mindset is important, it involves incorporating secure practices into every stage of the IaC growth cycle. From the first creation stage, security should be a top priority. 

Your team should be educated continuously about possible risks and promote a value where security is the responsibility of everyone. To keep this mindset, adopt mentoring sessions, and stay vigilant on new security developments.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Security Scans

Step 1-  Choose the right security analyzing tools that blend well with your IaC channel. 

Common tools include;  Aqua Security, Checkov, and tfsec.

Step 2-  Define security protocols by setting up security rules and guidelines that your team must adhere to. Set up rules for managing configuration, access controls, and legal requirements.

Step 3- Scan initial baselines of current systems to find existing weaknesses and set up indicators for predictive analysis.

Automating Security Scans in CI/CD Pipelines

Incorporate the security scanning tools of your choice into your CI/CD pipelines. With this, every infrastructure code is automatically analyzed for security concerns before implementation.

Customize your CI/CD pipeline to set off security scans in different phases like during pre-launch testing, bug fixes, and code commits.

Lastly, set up automatic alerts and feedback systems to inform you of any security holes found. These reports should be easy to use and secure. 

Regular Updates and Maintenance

Monitor infrastructure continuously to identify any new loopholes or detect a change in compliance status. Your security scanning tools should be updated regularly to evaluate new risks and protocols.

Build a feedback loop where security scan results are constantly used to enhance the defense positions of your IaC environment. To learn from security incidents conduct routine evaluations and post-event analyses.

Securing Your Infrastructure with Integrated Security  

Incorporating security scans into your IaC workflow will preemptively find and alleviate weaknesses, making the implementation of infrastructure more sophisticated and secure.

Adopting this approach will strengthen your security stance and also promote a progressive mindset and cooperation among your teams. Encompass these methods to keep your infrastructure safe and retain the ethical standards of your systems.

The post Integrating Security Scans into Your IaC Workflow appeared first on Datafloq.

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