7 Ways Regtech AML Can Strengthen Anti-Money Laundering Programs

Regtech AML is the combination of regulatory technology (Regtech) to assist financial institutions as well as other businesses in achieving the anti-money laundering (AML) compliance requirements. Money laundering development has been shaping up in all spheres. It has resulted in the complexity of the implementation among firms so far, which requires the organizations to have costly and time-consuming compliance programs. Regtech AML strives to address these challenges by automating and optimizing various AML job functions.

Along with this increasing trend of financial sanction for non-compliance with AML, banks are under constant pressure to put in place robust compliance systems. With the involvement of Regtech technologies in the AML process, institutions will not only prevent heavy penalties but also make sure that their activities will stand the test of time.

Here we discuss 7 ways regtech aml can strengthen anti-money laundering programs.

Enhanced Name Screening and Watchlist Filtering

Through the use of machine learning and name-match solid mechanisms, Regtech AML solutions can perform matching of people and transactions with sanction lists more. Conventional methods deal with finding exact part matches, thus missing up to 30% of high-risk customers. Regtech AML improves the screening by detecting alternate spellings and name derivatives of names that are not listed as false negatives. Top-tier banks today are using Regtech AML to screen over 5 million names daily, cutting down the false positives to under 1% and enabling them to enhance their AML compliance viability.

Robotic Process Automation of AML Workflows

Regtech AML compliance can be performed using machines to automate tasks, such as reviewing alerts and filing reports by using robot process automation (RPA). This could save up to half of the AML personnel from having to deal with mechanical and repetitive jobs. RPAs connect with on-hand AML systems and can serve the tasks of filling up 24/7 currency transaction reports so that the compliance officers can direct their attention to some high-risk transactions. This has had a direct impact on investigation costs for many organizations, as CSI has reduced by about 30% or more.

Continuous Monitoring of High-Risk Transactions

One of the latest Regtech AML solutions applies advanced analytics to terabytes of transaction data, giving the ability to monitor the continuous activity of high-risk entities and activities. The more often and the faster the evolving digital economy is, the more significant the gap between classical batch-based methods and modern technologies. Continuous monitoring gives compliance teams the means to detect malicious activities immediately, which allows them to minimize the potential harm. It has already increased the efficiency of several TOP banks by 15%-20% in their AML screening and has also raised overall compliance standards.

Risk Scoring and Predictive Analytics

Regtech AML solutions use these predictive analytics to assign risk scores to customers and transactions that show past suspicious behavior and known money laundering patterns. Virtually using petabytes of the historical transaction, these models can pinpoint the risks out of 85% of the time. Predictive analytics helps compliance teams screen high-risk clients before the first transaction. It has contributed to assisting big banks in performing the top 5% reviews of the riskiest and then releasing resources for all other functions.

More Effective Suspicious Activity Reporting

This simplifies labor-intensive and complicated manual means of accomplishing the task. The building of advanced narratives by analyzing thousands of such reports has enabled them to file at a speed of 40% faster. Structured data facilitates the discovery of specific correlations between cases to identify a possible pattern of money laundering over the system. Large banks that undertake this practice now report a 15-20% spike in invaluable insights provided to financial investigation units, which makes the Anti-money-laundering effort more effective.

Data Aggregation and Link Analysis Across Systems

Accessing customer and transaction databases through core banking, KYC/EDD, and other isolated systems, Regtech AML reduces the silos by applying a centralized data lake. In the next step, link and network analysis highlights associations, connections, and money flows, thus deriving an image of isolated networks. Collective search also reduces the reaction time by 30-50%, enhancing the AML compliance performance in audits.

Optimizing Resource Allocation and Prioritization

Automating a chunk of the labor-intensive and rote work done in AML compliance, the Regtech-AML enhances the effectiveness of how financial institutions appoint their AML personnel. Leveraging data and analytics to identify suspicious customer scores and transaction irregularities, the Regtech AML system suggests to agents the direction of the deepest inquiry. For every central global bank, the whole of cases with suspicion raised date increased by 25% within 48 hours after the bank implemented the Regtech platform. Through this particular approach, all the teams have a 10% possibility to move or close suspicious cases without needing more staff. The availability of such time has also allowed up to 30 % of researchers to re-train and explore more intellectual intelligence analysis. 

The post 7 Ways Regtech AML Can Strengthen Anti-Money Laundering Programs appeared first on Datafloq.

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