Image Labeling for Machine Learning: Important Consideration

Machine learning models that use supervised learning need labeled datasets to learn from to make correct decisions. Information added to an image enables a machine-learning model to learn from it. Labels help the model to learn whether a man in an image is standing or sitting, or a photo contains a traffic light or car, or if a CT scan indicates a tumor.

This piece of writing will help you learn how to label images to train a machine-learning model. 


What is image labeling?

Image labeling as the name suggests is a process of identifying objects in an image and adding meaningful information to it. These labels are used to train machine learning models, especially in the field of computer vision. In other words, labeled images teach computer vision models to identify a particular object. For example, in a chain of photos of a street, you can label all bicycles, which will help a model to identify what a bicycle is.

Datasets created from annotated images are split into training data for initial model training and test datasets to evaluate model performance. Models learn from the data and then automatically assign labels to unlabeled data.


Benefits of image labeling in machine learning models

Image labeling is a critical step in building supervised models having computer vision capabilities. It enables supervised machine learning models to be capable of recognizing groups of objects inside the image. There are several benefits of image labeling in machine learning; some of them are explained below:

1. For supervised learning

Image labeling captures and highlights particular objects in an image and these labels are easily readable by machines. Moreover, labeled images are utilized in the training of datasets of machine learning models. In other words, in supervised learning, datasets are used to train algorithms to categorize data or make predictions accurately.

2. Computer vision enhancement

Image labeling enables object detection, which consequently enhances the accuracy of computer vision. Labels are used for training machine learning and AI models to learn the patterns as long as they are capable of detecting objects by themselves.

Right image labeling produces high-quality datasets which helps a model to learn how to recognize objects. The data annotation or labeling process has been continuously changing, which data scientists and ML engineers are adapting and improving upon.


Effective image labeling for computer vision models

Here are the points you need to consider for effective image selection and labeling for computer vision projects:

Professionals including domain and machine learning experts should be involved in initial image selection.

Specify what your model has to detect and ensure there is sufficient variation of lighting, appearance and image capture angles.

When labeling objects, select images of all varieties of the object. For example, if you are detecting a building, ensure that you have images of different shapes, sizes, colors and angles.

Review the dataset carefully at the beginning of the project and find cases that seem more difficult to classify and design robust strategies to tackle them.

Underscore factors that pose challenges for a machine learning model to detect an object like poor visibility or occlusion.

Quality is sacrosanct – perform a rigorous quality audit and ensure you have more than one data annotator to work on each image. Mismatch in labels affects training data thereby denting the model’s performance.

Remove images that lack clarity and don’t have visual information. However, as a result models won’t be able to perform on these images in real life.

You can collect existing datasets from professionals that have licensed data or labeled images to train your machine learning models.

You can also leverage the visual knowledge of a pre-training machine learning model instead of training a model from scratch.

Image labeling identifies objects inside the image and assigns particular tags to unprocessed data. Each tag has a reference to a particular object class that is related to data. The labels help a machine learning model to recognize object types in unorganized datasets and achieve computer vision capabilities. Models learn from the labeled data and then automatically assign tags to unlabeled data. 

The post Image Labeling for Machine Learning: Important Consideration appeared first on Datafloq.

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