Understanding Outliers- What, When, How of Outlier Identification in Data with Python

Data analytics and machine learning enthusiasts face outliers in data quite often. Data is powerful and organizations around the world are understanding the value of data analytics as it drives organizational growth and profitability. hither an organization intends to gain a deeper understanding of its consumers, optimize processes, or generate newer business opportunities; comprehending the data is of utmost importance. It would not be ironic if we say that data has clearly become the backbone and the blood running through the global businesses’ veins. With this data, oftentimes data scientists are faced with dualities at work. These dualities are named Outliers. No doubt, managing these with some clever data prowess is the key to a thriving data science career. Let us understand about Outliers in detail in the following sections.

What are Outliers?

Outliers are the extreme data points in a data set that could range between being positive or negative. These are obtained from the observations that are plotted and assist in creating distinctive points in the dataset. Outliers are big-time on being quite informative and valuable in enabling certain business decisions. As we are aware in real-time, real-world scenarios, we are faced with humungous data, around thousands of rows and columns that cannot be dealt with manually. Thus, clever modern-day techniques from the Machine learning models are being deployed in order to generate accurate results. This is the very time when as a specialized data science professional, you are expected to usher in data insights using targeted data science skills to the organization’s rescue. This easily facilitates efficient business decisions and multitudinous growth.

List of Factors Enabling Outliers’ Existence:

The reasons that lead to the occurrence of outliers in each data set can be numerous. 

  • Manual Errors

One of the most common errors spotted in large data sets as the data ingested into the system is massive and if done manually, it can be prone to frequent manual errors.

  • Experimental factors

These errors rise to the surface at the extraction, application, and final implementation stages of the data set while the initial model layout is not orderly structured.

  • Data variability

A variety of data and its multidimensional nature can cause the data set to allow space for errors during the model training procedures are on.

Types of Outliers:

  • Univariate Outliers

The data points that are plotted in each dataset that are stationed too far away from the data points are Univariate outliers. These can be detected visually by plotting the data points of the dataset. Z-score is the best-suited technique to resolve such outliers.

  • Multivariate Outliers

These are multidimensional outliers that can be noticed only when certain constraints are applied to the plotted data set. Without constraints, they come across as a normal set of data points.

  • Global Outliers

The points in a data set that can be acknowledged in case of a significant deviation from most data values are Global outliers.

  • Contextual Outliers

These outliers do not deviate much from the rest of the data set; and reflect a similar image like general data set values.

  • Collective Outliers

The collective outliers target the Kaggle points clustered far from the data set. Those values deviate drastically from the data set and create a subset of data points; that are known as Collective outliers.

Best time to Weed out Outliers from the given data set:

It is imperative to remove outliers at the inception in order to avoid any business complications ahead. Doing away with outliers before the data set transformation is a better option as it assists in creating a normal distribution; rendering the data set highly effective.

Best Outliers Detection Techniques:





It calculates the distance of data points from the calculated mean in the given dataset using normal standard deviation. The percentile technique categorizes data into percentile slots with data from the given dataset. It involves working on sorted data to avoid mistakes and have an orderly distinction between the data sets.
Best suited for data provided in parametric format. Classifies large data sets and offers a cumulative result for the dataset. Best used when the given dataset is in a skewed format.
Incompatible with large-size datasets. Categorizes the data irrespective of their values, making it difficult to analyze the outliers. Not amendable by mathematical manipulation.

Other Outlier Detection Tests include:

  • Grubbs Test

This works on the assumption that the dataset is distributed and possesses dual versions where H0 signifies a Null hypothesis and H1 signifies at least one outlier.

  • Chi-Square Test

It enables working out the outlier data points by using the logic of frequency compatibility in the given data.

  • Q-Test

It utilizes a range and gap between the data to find the outliers and it is advised to apply this method at least once to the dataset.

Ways to Treat Outliers:

  • Trimming

This is the fastest technique to be applied to an outlier as it excludes the outliers’ values from the analysis procedure.

  • Capping

This involves capping or deciding on a limit for the outlier that all values above or lower the designated point shall be considered outliers.

  • Discretization

It is a technique that involves making groups, that include the outliers in a particular group and forcing them to behave in the same manner as the other points in the same group. It is also known as Binning.


Seasoned Data science professionals target their core industry skills and data visualization tools and techniques to enable highly worthy business decisions. Outliers play a critical role in cases where they can be comprehended in order to make sense of the dataset in a better manner. This is why earning the best credentials in data science and global certifications can be a game changer in pivoting your career trajectory for the better.



The post Understanding Outliers- What, When, How of Outlier Identification in Data with Python appeared first on Datafloq.

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