How Advanced Technology and Tools Are Transforming e-Learning

The concept of e-learning isn’t new. However, teachers, especially the non-tech-savvy professionals who’ve spent years practicing chalkboard teaching methods, didn’t see it coming until the COVID-19 pandemic left institutions with no other option.

That’s when the power of advanced technology and tools to conduct seamless online classes became more evident. Several industry leaders took the initiative to introduce artificial intelligence, cloud, and various other advanced technology-based tools to help educators. The investment in these e-learning tools witnessed remarkable growth and continues to flourish with no end in sight.

In fact, reports state that the e-learning market size, which was $200 billion in 2019, might cross $400 billion by 2026. What’s more? Research affirms that learners and educators have optimistic opinions about e-learning.

This post is about the top benefits of using advanced technology and tools for e-learning. You’ll also learn about state-of-the-art tools to enhance the online teaching-learning experience. So, let’s get started!

Top Benefits of Advanced Technology and Tools for e-Learning

Here are the top five benefits of using advanced technology and tools for online teaching-learning.

1. Provides a Personalized Classroom Experience

Personalized teaching sessions involve understanding students’ unique needs and learning patterns to impart in-depth knowledge via lectures. Its goal is to reduce friction and boost students’ interest in a specific topic or subject. However, creating a personalized experience is challenging. The reason? Each learner has their preferences when it comes to learning. Besides, collecting and analyzing real-time data is labor-intensive.

Traditional e-learning platforms often come with basic collaboration functionalities. A lack of intelligent features can fail to deliver personalized experiences, negatively impacting the outcomes. Research affirms that the right technology and tools are vital for positive learning results.

What’s the solution?

With artificial intelligence technology-powered e-learning tools, you can achieve your goals! For instance, these tools use natural language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis, and machine learning to discover in-depth insights into students’ profiles. The educators can observe granular details like areas of expertise and learning patterns of each learner.

AI-based e-learning platforms leverage advanced analytics to help educators analyze crucial insights and track learners’ progress. This approach can help tweak teaching plans, thus ensuring seamless e-learning.

2. Offers Access to the Library of Digital Resources

Advanced technology-based tools can lay a strong foundation for thoughtful and skill-based learning. They can help educators encourage the students to develop a “learner” attitude and skills like problem-solving, reasoning, critical thinking, and more. Here’s how:

Educators can create and share a library of digital assets offering in-depth insights (beyond a particular topic or subject). These valuable resources can imbibe curiosity to learn more. In fact, research states that digital educational resources can revolutionize the teaching-learning process. Traditionally, educators used tools like Google Drive, iCloud, and more to manage and share resources. But segmenting and finding helpful resources from hundreds of digital assets was labor-intensive.

To tackle this issue, advanced cloud technology-based digital asset management (DAM) software can empower educators to overcome these content management challenges. For instance, DAM tools can help organize, save, access, and distribute digital content assets to learners, thus streamlining the e-learning process.

With a few clicks, educators can find the required content to be shared, including images, videos, documents, and more. There’s no need to browse the plentitude of files, thus saving time and effort. The result? The students get tailored content to enhance their learning. Besides, you can leverage AR and VR-driven e-learning tools (augmented and virtual reality). They can create immersive experiences to explain complex concepts.


So, provide the best resources to support your students all along.

3. Assists with Monitoring Student Attendance

Research reveals that students’ attendance directly impacts their overall performance. No wonder all educators track students’ attendance without fail. Most e-learning tools empower educators to accurately monitor each student’s attendance with a few clicks in real time. However, AI-based attendance tracking tools can take the process a notch further.

For instance, with AI-powered attendance trackers, you can monitor and generate detailed reports on:

  • The exact number of days when students miss out on classes
  • Classes that learners skip and attend – daily/weekly/monthly/yearly
  • Attendance patterns (how often they are absent)

In the case of high absenteeism, you can take corrective measures without hassles. Advanced AI tools offer predictive and prescriptive analytics to help educators take actionable steps. This strategic approach can encourage learners to attend classes, thus boosting their overall performance.

4. Helps Assign and Manage Projects

Besides conducting online teaching-learning sessions, educators have a few more crucial responsibilities, such as creating, assigning, and managing projects.

Here’s the traditional way of doing it:

  • Educators research and collect the latest information to prepare for an upcoming lecture.
  • Based on the topic, they create a questionnaire in advance.
  • After the lecture, they dictate the assignment to the students.

The entire process consumes valuable time, effort and is a big headache! Leveraging advanced cloud technology-based platforms inbuilt with project management capabilities can ease your journey. These platform offers features to help educators create, upload, assign, and manage projects with a few clicks. This saves their precious time and effort. For instance, with cloud-based project management tools, you can –

  • Create project deadlines
  • Track students’ project progress
  • Share project updates
  • Provide instant feedback
  • Build collaborative spaces (for project discussions)

This way, you can optimize your teaching process and boost classroom productivity for the best outcomes.

Summing Up

For educators embracing digital, deploying advanced technology-driven e-learning tools is crucial to foster a positive learning experience. The advanced technology-equipped tools shared in this post can be your reliable partner in the online teaching-learning journey. They can help educators engage and establish strong relationships with students. So, leverage them to streamline your online teaching workflow and enhance productivity.

The post How Advanced Technology and Tools Are Transforming e-Learning appeared first on Datafloq.

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