How Cloud Application Migration Can Boost Your Business Efficiency And Performance

Gone are the days when businesses used multiple backup systems to store their application and website data. In simple terms, times have changed. The cloud has not only taken over the present but has embarked to solidify every business’ needs and necessities.  

Numerous legacy businesses and startups are acknowledging the cloud’s potency and scalability. Such a shift is occurring so expeditiously that an average business will invest $8 out of every $10 of its hosting cost on the cloud by 2024. 

But in either case, getting started with an on-premises to cloud migration is one of the challenging decisions for many who have spent years investing in physical structure and framework.  

In addition, it’s essential to understand the balance between the pros and cons. In business terms, you wouldn’t want your numbers in the cloud. However, moving a business to this space may reap significant figures.  

To assist further, here is a rundown of the most considerable advantages of migrating applications to the cloud. 


First – What does Cloud Application Migration imply?   

As discussed, the cloud application migration process involves moving on-premises infrastructure. But this is not it! Such an exercise also includes migrating databases, applications, and specific IT operations from one cloud to another.  

When you initiate the moving procedure, your organization must review every application framework, determine the updated platform’s feasibility, and then assemble comprehensive options. Ultimately, it is the computer needs, business continuity, security parameters, and compliance that tend to factor in the application migration to the cloud.  

Experts have holistically stated time and time again to stay aligned with primary organizational goals. And while doing so, you would have to underline the migration approach that comprises re-hosting, re-factoring, and re-platforming, which are as follows:  

Re-host: One of the first approaches is to shift the application to a cloud setup. To begin with, check the simplest things that align with a few dependencies, no regulatory constraints, and low impact before migrating to the most complex things while maturity is on the rise.  

Re-platform: As the title says, you can station your application to a new operating system based on new standards. Such a process reduces the number of platforms used, lessening the total operational expense. 

Re-factor: When an application goes into re-platforming, there are new standards to adhere to, such as security and functional requirements. This might also consist of Java, .Net, and various other upgrades.  

How does the cloud migration process work?  

Are you about to make these moves? If yes, there are plenty of considerations. Moving to an entirely new space can be one of the transformative shifts for a business. Thus, it’s only wise to have a bird-eye view of the cloud journey. Still wondering how to get started? Here are the principle points to consider: 

Strategy and Business Case 

There must be a vision or business value behind migrating to the cloud. The rest is a technological exercise if you’ve already addressed this part. However, the approach must be ingrained in company outcomes-particular goals the enterprise wishes to achieve. 

Discovery and assessment 


Understand what to migrate, where to migrate it, and when to migrate it. With moving procedures come vital challenges. While you’re improving cost, control, flexibility, and application anticipation, its performance might play an important factor in transforming the application infrastructure.  

This is where companies must acknowledge their current state through assessment and discovery.  

Cloud migration 


Cloud migration is all about the heavy lifting – moving specific elements of an application to the cloud. This step comprises developing new cloud-specific applications, streamlining existing apps for the cloud setup, and ultimately, modifying the infrastructure. 

You must be wondering what’s the objective here! Simply put – to develop a new technology operating platform from the ground up that allows a business to innovate efficiently, effectively, and quickly.  

How can businesses benefit from application migration? 

Moving existing apps and a more enhanced digital strategy provides vital benefits in some areas, such as IT infrastructure and digitization. Having said that, let’s discuss them in detail: 

Enhanced IT Infrastructure 

Compared to legacy app platforms, cloud infra offers multiple advantages, including speed, scalability, flexibility, and cost. 

Reduced cost: Since public clouds like Azure and AWS are much more equipped and efficient, running applications in the cloud setup costs relatively less. This also accounts for the greater utilization of economic and technological resources made accessible by community-driven tools.  

Enhanced speed: When it comes to cloud spaces, it’s pretty brisk and prompt in deploying infrastructure resources. Having said that, cloud systems can be maneuvered in minutes compared to legacy systems.  

Performance and scalability: Due to a cloud’s unified resources, it’s brought into action to handle diversified workloads and roadblocks.  

Business Digitization 

Due to the IT infrastructure’s benefits compared to those of legacy systems, moving applications to the cloud facilitates business digitization into solutions, products, user experience, and operations. This further leads to better reach, agility, and time-to-market. Find how they simplify the process and streamline it. 

Reach and intimacy: Wondering how digitization affects the process? Migrating applications to the cloud systems allow you to integrate with social and mobile platforms, allowing a business to reach more customers. Speaking of which, you build new avenues and intimacy at a cheaper cost. 

Agility and innovation: Remember when developers struggled with the term ‘migration?’ It’s not the case with cloud platforms. Cloud infrastructure adds to agility levels, allowing technicians to innovate conceptual ideas without relying on legacy teams. Amid the cloud sandbox, developers can efficiently accommodate resources, incorporate technologies through APIs, build specific codes, and magnify testing whenever necessary.  

Time to market: Investing in a quicker app release cycle translates to a seamless end product. Since legacy systems hold back application releases, a cloud system can offer a short turnaround time. Consequently, this speed is one of the crucial factors in losing or procuring market share. 


The bottom line 

With continuity being a significant concern today, cloud infrastructures have become essential to companies investing in reinvention and certainty. Not only does application cloud migration boost productivity, but it also disallows unnecessary troubleshooting.  

The significance of the cloud has never been the talking point until now. Since the primary ingredients of migration are somewhat similar, the process of app prioritization, cost evaluation, and risk assessment are indeed Avante Garde. 


The post How Cloud Application Migration Can Boost Your Business Efficiency And Performance appeared first on Datafloq.

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