5 Reasons Why Every Business Should Consider GPS Fleet Tracking



Managing a fleet is one of the most tiresome jobs ever since you must monitor the vehicles’ real-time location and other activities. Instead of all the efforts, companies and businesses can now leverage the power of GPS fleet trackers to monitor various fleet aspects such as location and speed. With the tracking system, you do not need more employees to monitor a group of vehicles; the system can perform all functions and alert you whenever an issue occurs.  

These tracking systems aim to offer businesses more benefits by integrating various features to optimize the benefits and other capabilities. Not all of these features will be necessary to your business; hence you can choose those that benefit you. Here are some benefits you should anticipate from using GPS fleet trackers.  


1. Improved Security and Safety 


One of the features to consider when selecting a good GPS fleet tracking system is to consider features that will boost vehicle and driver safety. Within the GPS tracking systems are notification features that notify you whenever the driver is overspeeding or engaging in risky driving behaviors. The notification lets you call the driver and remind them to drive safely, preventing accidents that can harm the driver and other road users and damage company assets.  

Secondly, they have features that remind you of other aspects, such as vehicle maintenance and service periods. It will remind you of the engine status and service duration. This prevents sudden accidents caused by delayed service duration. Constant reminders and services also ensure the engines and other vehicle features operate optimally, reducing the danger and possible damages caused by faulty systems that can spread to other areas.  

As you install the system, also ensure you activate the anti-theft features, which enable the police to track the vehicle in case it gets stolen, especially when they have sensitive goods. Other features, such as alerts for unauthorized behavior, will likely notify you of possible theft attempts or when someone takes sensitive equipment out of the authorized area. 


2. Automated Record Keeping 


Regardless of the functions, every business must invest in data management and usage; therefore, they must collect data from all sources, including other functions such as delivery services. GPS tracking systems enable the business to collect and store data in the cloud, especially when the tracking system offers unlimited storage for the company’s driving and delivery data. 

This data suits other needs, such as route optimization to ensure fast delivery and other benefits. The benefits from the data are unlimited, including cost reduction and safety strategies. Leveraging this data also helps businesses overcome delays and reputational issues.  


3. Impact on Business Revenues 


GPS tracking technology significantly affects company and business revenue in various ways. First, it enables businesses to maintain timely delivery to all warehouses. When you install GPS systems in delivery vehicles, you can monitor their location and ensure the drivers retain their predetermined routes. This hinders them from taking longer routes which can waste a lot of time on their routes. 

Other features of a good GPS tracking system, such as a notification and alert system, will alert you whenever the driver takes longer on activities such as breaks or the driver diverts to another location to other businesses. This will prevent unnecessary time wasting, leading to delays affecting timely warehouse delivery. 

Businesses can maintain fast, efficient, and reliable delivery through excellent, timely delivery. Most customers seek top-notch and excellent services, which can only be met through faster and more convenient delivery. These aspects increase customer trust and loyalty to the business, attracting more customers and retaining the existing ones. Loyalty and increased customer attraction will likely lead to increased revenues in sales and orders from the company. 


4. Dispute Resolution 


A GPS tracking system is one of the most suitable strategies for the business to avoid certain disputes and legal matters, especially in an accident. A reliable GPS tracker will store all the data about the journey, and companies can rely on the data for dispute resolution in various ways. First, it is suitable for insurance claims settlement disputes in the event of an accident, fire, theft, and other damages.  

The data can be used to prove innocence in court in a road accident, speeding, and other legal cases. Secondly, the data is also essential for customer dispute handlings, such as delayed product delivery and costs. The data is suitable for tracking the driver’s location and determining whether the customer received the package in time. This makes it ideal for small delivery services by SMEs and other online businesses. 


5. Impacts on Fleet Operating Costs 


Operating costs are one of the primary expenses fleet managers must learn how to minimize and manage. These costs are related to insurance, repairs, theft, and other concerns. You need GPS tracking systems to reduce operating costs in various ways. Insurance companies have standard premium rates for fleet coverage; however, the prices can rise depending on the number of accidents recorded or damages caused. With the tracking systems, you can prevent bad driving behaviors to avoid accidents and other damages, reducing insurance claims and operating expenses. Anti-theft systems deter vehicle theft and promote security to reduce theft insurance claims that can also affect the premium amounts.  

Secondly, the system can help you monitor vehicle fuel consumption and reduce consumption levels to promote sustainability and energy efficiency. It automates routine vehicle services to prevent excess fuel consumption due to system issues and challenges. Using Google and other map systems enables the drivers and the company to engage in route optimization services allowing them to select the shortest route to the desired location to prevent excess fuel consumption.  

Optimizing vehicle GPS tracking features will enable the company to save fuel by about 20%, reducing fuel consumption. Therefore, businesses must optimize GPS tracking data for records maintenance and route management, which can help monitor fuel usage. Frequent maintenance also reduces the increased costs of repairs related to wear and tear and consequential damages. Over a while, you can extend the engine and wheel life, reducing the cost of these vehicle parts. 




Fleet managers must learn to optimize the benefits of GPS tracking systems by leveraging various system features and capabilities. Therefore, the first process is to ensure all these features are operational to increase the potential benefits. With all the features optimized and activated, businesses should anticipate reduced operating expenses, increased revenue, automated data storage, route optimization, safety, security, and other benefits.  




The post 5 Reasons Why Every Business Should Consider GPS Fleet Tracking appeared first on Datafloq.

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