Why Blockchain Is The Missing Piece To IoT Security Puzzle

Since its inception, IoT technology has restructured how data is collected and executed to render services. Yet as IoTs become one of the many common variables in technology, the ongoing discourse suggests deep concerns when it comes to data security on its front. In support of this assertion are numerous reports of cyberattacks on IoT devices connected to a network such as motion sensors, GPS modules, surveillance cameras, home security systems, etc.

In comes Blockchain with a befitting answer to all IoT security concerns. Blockchain facilitates countering data breaches with a decentralized database system accessible only through a tokenized window. Moreover, it further strengthens IoT networks through consensus algorithms and quarantining of nodes. Blockchain provides a verification-authentication-powered digital infrastructure to IoT devices to securely accumulate and analyze diverse datasets.


Upscaling IoT Security With Blockchain Technology

On average, instances of compromise on IoT devices have been reported to be triggered through Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. These DDoS attacks connect to various devices on the network, quickly forming a botnet that overwhelms the website with traffic. Ergo, making room to strike the website, breach and steal datasets, and spam site nodes.

With Blockchain in the picture, IoT services on devices are spooled under the layers of cryptography. This enables complete user anonymity and ensures data privacy, which when it comes to  IoT devices, puts users in complete control. On side of the backend, developers would gain the ability to practice accurate monitoring of devices and identify devices carrying potential threats.


Benefits of Implementing Blockchain To IoT Devices

Rendering IoT devices upon a Blockchain architecture has benefits beyond just data security. For instance, businesses can identify loopholes in operations impacting finance using blockchain. Through an IoT device or sensor present at the junction of error, blockchain can be used to read and eliminate anomalies rectifying the system. To summarize the notion of incorporating IoT with Blockchain, the benefits can be enlisted as follows:


  1. Blockchain provides a decentralized structure of data storage that can be accessed only through a tokenized system. 
  2. Tokenized system of accessing data to track potential threats and add real-time authentication and authorization process.
  3. Help identify anomalies in datasets and purge single points of failure. 
  4. Establish authenticity and build trust between IoT processes.
  5. Eliminate extra expenses on fixing data breaches and save costs spent on operations.


Implementation Process For Blockchain For IoT Security

Outside of its impact in strengthening data security, the list of utilities of Blockchain can prioritize the standardization of enormous data processed by IoT devices. This, alongside other supplements ensuring data autonomy and integrity, can help leverage IoT devices to suit enterprises the best. 

On the other hand, equal emphasis on Blockchain app development to implement with IoT devices is required. For IoT manufacturers looking to make a shift toward blockchain technology, the following steps are worth noting –


  • Define the Use Case: Determine the specific use case for which you want to implement the blockchain on IoT devices. This could be any scenario where you want to ensure data integrity, security, and trust.
  • Choose the Right Blockchain Platform: Select the appropriate blockchain platform based on your use cases, such as Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, or IOTA.
  • Design the Blockchain Architecture: Determine the blockchain architecture for the IoT devices. This includes designing smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, and transaction validation methods.
  • Choose the IoT Devices: Select the IoT devices that will be connected to the blockchain. These devices should be able to communicate with the blockchain network.
  • Connect IoT Devices to Blockchain Network: Connect the IoT devices to the blockchain network using the appropriate protocols such as MQTT or CoAP.
  • Develop Smart Contracts: Develop the smart contracts that will be executed by IoT devices. These smart contracts will define the rules for transaction execution, data validation, and access control.
  • Integrate with IoT Gateway: Integrate the blockchain with the IoT gateway to ensure secure and reliable communication between the IoT devices and the blockchain network.
  • Test and Deploy: Test the blockchain implementation thoroughly and deploy it to the production environment.

It can be concluded, therefore, that Blockchain elevates the utility prowess of IoT devices, provides data privacy to users, and secures datasets with a tokenized authentication system – which is impossible to breach.

The post Why Blockchain Is The Missing Piece To IoT Security Puzzle appeared first on Datafloq.

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