Leverages uses Amazon QuickSight to drive valuable and effective customer engagement with embedded market trends and insights

This is a guest post from Tomotaka Inoue, Data Analyst at Leverages.

Founded in 2005, Leverages offers job staffing and web tools—Levtech and Levwell—for the IT and healthcare industries, serving both companies seeking talent and job seekers who are in the market for their next role. Inspired by a data point showing a proportional correlation between productivity and job change frequency, the company saw an opportunity to combine that insight with its passion for improving work environments for engineers. Providing a platform that enables skilled workers to easily find and pursue new opportunities meant a win-win for workers and companies alike.

The Levtech platform is a job search engine designed to not only effectively match companies with IT talent but also helps engineers and developers manage contracts, ensuring documentation is centralized for easy access. Levtech’s specialization for engineer and developer audiences has made it a hit within the IT freelance market.

Driving valuable and effective engagement with customers

One of the more challenging aspects of meeting customer needs within a human resources capacity comes in appropriately balancing priorities without the risk of missing opportunities for valuable engagement. On the higher-touch end of the spectrum, users who are actively engaged to both recruit and pursue open roles are necessarily high on the priority list. We want them to have a great experience and to be happy with the end result when the role is filled. But how do we maintain a less intrusive but still valuable level of engagement with users who are registered on the platform but are not actively recruiting or seeking right now?

To make those lower-touch engagements valuable and effective, Leverages wanted to provide Levtech users with access to market trend data related to their areas of expertise. By providing this data via a dashboard that’s embedded directly into Levtech, not only do we provide valuable information to registered users, but doing so also enables recruiters to become more valuable partners when not-currently-active job seekers become active. By having access to market trend data, recommendations can be made, e.g., “The demand for skill X is increasing. Therefore, by acquiring this skill, more companies would be interested in you.” When determining which business intelligence platform would best serve our needs to provide this data to our Levtech users, we turned to Amazon QuickSight.

In this post, we discuss what influenced our decision to implement QuickSight Embedded, as well as some of the benefits we’ve seen since then.

Finding the right embedded analytics solution

The only constant in technology is that things are always changing. As job seekers, engineers and developers often have little data to keep a pulse on which skills and experiences are in the highest demand. For recruiters, it’s challenging to gain visibility into how large or small the talent pool is for candidates who possess those in-demand skills or have had extensive experience in certain areas. Answering questions like these was the primary motivation for choosing QuickSight to help bring expanded functionality and increased value to Levtech.

When determining what our new business intelligence solution needed to have, we had three top priorities.

  1. Rich embedding features. Anonymous embedding was a key differentiator for us, enabling us to quickly launch because there were no user management or single sign-on (SSO) requirements.
  2. Easy to use. Analysis tools are useless if they’re not intuitive and user-friendly. With QuickSight, we were able to create beautiful dashboards very quickly.
  3. Cost-effective. Because QuickSight is serverless and offers session-based, on-demand pricing, it was a perfect fit for our budget.

One of our favorite things about QuickSight is that nondevelopers can update visuals on a dashboard. We often get requests from users that they want to see data from different angles, using a variety of charts. With other tools, making adjustments like that would require development resources with deep coding expertise to ensure the implementation was done correctly. With QuickSight, users of all technical ability levels can make updates without needing to rely on development resources.

The following screenshot shows an example of one of our dashboards.

Leverages QuickSight dashboard

Demystifying business decisions with data

In today’s world of lightning-fast communication, it’s more important than ever to be vigilant in using data to drive decisions. For the IT freelance community—both companies and job seekers—having immediate access to the data they need to make sound decisions is invaluable. For the companies we serve, dashboards can be built to show summaries of registered engineers within our database, their salary ranges, skill trends, how many job seekers there are, and more. Engineers and developers can access dashboards showing summaries of available positions, the number of freelance positions, skill requirements, etc.

For Leverages, QuickSight is helping to improve our sales and marketing efficiency because the QuickSight Embedded SDK helps reduce the time it takes to gather insights. We can now filter the actions Levtech users are making to discover data points, e.g., more companies are searching for Java engineers. Those insights can help inform not only talent suggestions but marketing campaigns as well.

Fast, efficient, intuitive embedded analytics in two days

By embedding QuickSight into Levtech, we have been able to offer thousands of users a fast, efficient, intuitive experience in accessing the data they need to make key decisions about their companies and their careers. Not only is QuickSight easy to use, implementation is exceptionally fast. Other tools we considered quoted us several months to get up and running, whereas our QuickSight implementation was done in just two business days.

To learn more about how you can embed customized data visuals, interactive dashboards, and natural language querying into any application, visit Amazon QuickSight Embedded.

About the Author

Tomotaka Inoue is a data analyst at Leverages. Tomotaka analyzes Levtech’s data and suggests about the strategy and marketing.

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