What’s the Best Way for You to Start With Capella?

Reality check. There is no one best way. The best path will, of course, depend on each person, their knowledge, and their desired outcomes. So with that in mind, this post provides several great resources for you to choose from to help you learn more about Couchbase Capella™, our Database-as-a-Service. 

Beginner Materials

Still wondering if a NoSQL database platform is the right path for your particular use case and project? Couchbase is used across industries and many different use cases. If you are looking for a good guidebook to help you decide between relational and NoSQL, check out these “Why NoSQL?” guides: one version is focused on developers and the other is for architects

Already know you want to leverage the flexibility and scalability of a NoSQL database, but looking for a quick overview on what Couchbase has to offer? No problem. Tune in to this great video put together by our Developer Advocacy team. 

Now, to see some of Couchbase’s core benefits come to life, you can explore this short demonstration video of Capella. You’ll see high-level examples of using SQL to query, index, and search JSON documents, and sync data to mobile apps within Capella. 

Ready to test out some code examples? There is a playground built into the Capella UI, but there is also a standalone version of the playground on the Couchbase website that you can use to start small. You can work with a wide variety of programming languages and likely one of your favorites. 

Medium Spice

Want to go a bit deeper down the rabbit hole? Whether it’s an IDE, web application, microservice, or mobile app, eventually you will want to connect to Capella. That’s where the SDKs come in. Couchbase delivers SDKs in your favorite language to allow applications to access a Capella database and mobile SDKs to carry your application to the edge. Also, you can use big data connectors to exchange data with other platforms.

From the demo video above, you’ll see that getting started with a Capella trial is very easy and preloaded data is available for you to try out the platform. If you are looking to bring in your own data, you may have some questions on how to best model that data. For basics on JSON data modeling, turn to this overview guide

Going Mobile

One of the top reasons customers turn to Couchbase is the strength of our offline-first mobile database solution and sophisticated syncing technology. Within Capella, App Services deliver sync, storage, search, and analysis at the edge.

Capella app services for mobile

Setting up an App Service and App End Point is something you can do with a few clicks within the Capella UI. This tutorial walks you through it. 

Things Are Getting Serious

For those ready to dig in and get going, you can experience the many benefits of Capella firsthand in a 30-day free trial. You get access to the most common services within Capella and mobile App Services.

For more hands-on learning, Couchbase offers several choices. Short on-demand Lab videos, around 40 minutes long, show you how to use .NET, Node.js, or Java to perform the major CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) in a NoSQL database. A wide variety of self-paced learning paths have been put together by our Developer Advocacy team on topics like JSON document management and working with the Couchbase mobile database, Couchbase Lite.

For a more in-depth and in-person training event, Couchbase organizes Capella workshops. Check for the next available workshop or other Couchbase local events here. For those looking to get training that leads to a certification, Couchbase Academy offers free courses that you can sign up for. 

Where Can I Get Help?

We are definitely here to help!

    • For the fastest response time to pretty much any question, join our community on Discord.
    • Our forum is another great place to post a question or search for similar topics.
    • Of course, our documentation is filled with all kinds of useful information to get you going quickly with tips and examples.
    • Hopefully, the resources in this blog post will help you get up and running quickly, but if you have questions, please get in touch

The post What’s the Best Way for You to Start With Capella? appeared first on The Couchbase Blog.

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