Here Is Why Businesses Should Support Cloud Adoption

This article outlines six reasons why your business should adopt cloud computing and explains how to make cloud migration more effective.

What Is Cloud Computing?

We live in a world where new technological advancements are brought about to solve problems in an easy, fast, and efficient manner. In a society that is constantly changing, the cloud has proven to be very versatile in meeting user needs.      

The cloud is a software system that can store and compute data for users remotely through any device with an internet connection. All the actions a computer can perform locally, like storage, analysis, and computing, can be done by this software, which is located and accessible only on the internet.

Cloud computing is a term used to describe the on-demand availability of computer resources, such as data storage and computing, without direct management by the user. It allows you to access computer resources without the need to install associated software applications on your computer system and operate them locally. To access these services, all you need is a device connected to the internet.

The beauty of cloud computing is the versatility its users enjoy in terms of ease of access, security, maintenance, and data storage. This makes it an asset to every business.

In this article, you will learn how to make cloud migration more effective. Let’s begin! Fully explained below are six reasons why your business should adopt cloud computing.

What Is the Value of Cloud Computing?

There are tremendous benefits associated with moving your business to the cloud. Whether you run a small business or a large organization, adopting cloud technology increases your company’s chance of success in the long term. Here’s why:

1. Easy Accessibility

One of the reasons why cloud computing is of value to businesses is the ease of access to data resources and applications it provides when the need arises. As long as there is an internet connection available, you are good to go. This eliminates the need to worry about backing up your data manually. In case anything unforeseen happens, the cloud has got your back.

2. Mobility and Flexibility

Remote working is one of the advantages you get when you make use of cloud computing. With cloud technology, fixed offices and infrastructure are no longer needed to facilitate the work process. This significantly cuts the costs of setting up workspaces.

This office flexibility is very useful to businesses and helps to combat the challenges brought about by the pandemic and lockdown. Your staff or team can efficiently work from home and access data without worrying about showing up at the office.

Since data and applications no longer need to be accessed and stored locally, movement restrictions are also removed. This makes it easier to travel, stay safely indoors, and work from any location in the world. When it comes to establishing efficient communication within your team, you can use mobile phones and laptops to set up video conference calls. Apps such as Zoom and Google Duo make this an efficient process.        

3. Fast Performance

As a result of stiff competition among cloud service providers, the different platforms on the market are striving to be the best. This means better options for users, as each company keeps its servers and applications up-to-date to serve its customers’ growing demands and needs. After all, no one wants to lose their customers to a competitor.

Therefore, cloud technology users get to enjoy high-performing servers and fast-paced technology, such as powerful processors and fast storage drives. In addition, client requests are attended to with maximum speed because the workload is distributed among multiple servers. This ensures optimum performance and gives your business access to the latest technologies and software without the hassles of a physical update.

4. Scalability

An essential advantage to businesses that subscribe to cloud computing is the ability to increase and decrease computing resources at will. If your business needs extra computing capacity due to increased workload, all you need to do is place a request for it.

You can easily decrease your cloud storage space if you have excess that you are not using instead of paying extra and underutilizing cloud resources. On the other hand, if you’re scaling up and need to cater to more clients, you can quickly place a request to your cloud provider. They will process your request and give you access to more storage capacity and computing power. The best part? You don’t have to upgrade your hardware or software.

5. Optimum Security

Cloud computing offers advanced security and confidentiality to subscribers. Most times, tight budgets and lack of skill can cause businesses to leave their security porous and their data open to attack. This is a problem as digital theft is becoming increasingly common. Cloud services efficiently handle the safety of your sensitive data, allowing you to focus on other important aspects, such as serving your clients better.

6. Controlled Costs

Businesses that are subscribed to the cloud pay only for what they consume. Costs related to maintenance, updating hardware and software, and renewing IT infrastructure are excluded. Cloud computing is a cost-effective means of storing and processing large amounts of data with a very low risk of loss.

This pay-as-you-use method helps businesses to adjust operational costs according to an increase or decrease in demand. In the long term, you will find that you spend less and save more while also maintaining a high level of efficiency.

How to Maximize the Potential of Cloud Computing

It’s one thing to understand that cloud computing is advantageous to your business, but it’s another to know how to maximize that potential. Effective cloud practices are what any business needs to have the edge over others. The tips mentioned below can help companies to maximize the potential of cloud computing.

1. Facilitate Collaboration and Partnership

One of the ways of maximizing the potential of cloud computing is through collaboration and partnership. It is essential that you choose a cloud collaboration service that offers simplified and integrated solutions in one platform. Look out for technologies that offer distinctive and broadly applicable experiences. These technologies should cut across all departments and areas of business. Therefore, more focus should be on integration capabilities rather than on individual solutions.

2. Pursue a Business-Oriented Approach

A clear understanding of what your business needs allows you to choose an effective model for catering to those needs. For example, the cloud operates on a pay-as-you-use model; therefore, it is a waste of money to pay for more cloud resources than your company needs.

Regular audits give you the benefit of understanding your storage capacity. This helps you ensure that your business capacity needs also match the requested application functions. A business-oriented approach is a sure way of reaping the benefits of cloud adoption. This is achievable through cutting off unnecessary costs while ensuring the efficient utilization of available resources.

3. Build an Effective Team

The human resource factor is the backbone of every business. It doesn’t matter how sophisticated and technologically forward you are: if your team is not up to date with the current tech, your company’s growth will be stunted. We cannot overemphasize the importance of training your team on how to make use of cloud technologies. Therefore, as you migrate to the cloud, your team must be familiar with the applications being used. This makes a huge difference between the success and failure of migrating.

4. Perform Monitoring and Management Tasks

After building a system, it is vital to keep track of its performance. This helps you to ensure that you leave no room for lag. A management team should be put in place to ascertain that the system is doing what it is meant to do.

5. Implement Cloud Apps for Mobile Users

We are in an era where mobile apps are the most common and accessible means of connecting to the internet. Businesses that take advantage of and invest in mobile-friendly cloud apps are able to reach a more diverse range of users.

6. Pay Attention to Security

Take the right security measures and be proactive about it. The reality is that you can experience data breaches from multiple sources. From leaked passwords and hardware failures to lost laptops and power outages, there are myriad ways your business can be compromised. This is why you should be careful when choosing a provider to manage your business migration to the cloud. Whatever service you choose should have proper security practices in place.

In addition, you have to ensure that you educate your team on the right security practices. Activate two-factor authentication for added protection, and avoid clicking unverified links. Team members should avoid opening random emails until they have confirmed that they are from a verified source.

While it’s important to recruit the services of a cloud provider with good security features, it’s equally crucial to establish the right company culture. Seminars should be held regularly to educate employees and explain to them how to stay safe and protect the company from data and security breaches.

How to Effectively Transfer Large Volumes of Data Using Cloud Technology

When it comes to running a successful business, it’s important to have the right channel for transferring files. With cloud technology, this is now easier than ever. In the past, you depended on physical drives to store and share data. In some cases, you even had to go over to a location to drop off information.

This has changed with the advent of file transfer services that allow you to send data without leaving your workspace. All you need is a working internet connection to have access to whatever is uploaded to the cloud. However, this is not as easy as it sounds, especially when you have to send, store, and download gigabytes of data.

While there are quite a number of cloud-based file transfer services out there, they have their limitations. For one, they restrict the size of data that you are allowed to send. If you are dealing with a large number of files, this can be frustrating. In addition, they charge a weekly or monthly subscription fee, without which they won’t allow you to use their services. This can be a problem, especially if you don’t make transfers on a weekly or monthly basis. These subscription services do not consider businesses that don’t send files regularly.

Also, most of these platforms force you to compress whatever you want to send, thereby altering the original quality of your data. Security is another major concern, as very few cloud transfer services have adequate technology to ensure that your sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands.

This is where FileWhopper swoops in for the rescue. This is a cloud-based transfer platform that allows you to send, download, and store any amounts of data. No, we are not kidding! You can literally share ANY file size that you want with absolutely no limits!

Besides, you don’t have to commit to any subscriptions to use this service. You simply pay a one-time fee for the data size you want to send, with no extra charges. You pay as you go, meaning you don’t have to pay a penny when you have no data to transfer via the service.

Another thing that makes FileWhopper one of the best file transfer tools available on the market is its encryption and security features. Your files and folders are encrypted with military-level technology during transfer and while they are stored on FileWhopper’s servers. This ensures that no unauthorized third-party or hacker can intercept your sensitive information.

Your data is encrypted with a unique password, which you should share with the recipient(s). Without this password, they cannot view or access what you have sent. This gives you an added level of protection and ensures that only the intended recipient(s) can open the data sent using the tool. FileWhopper’s team does not have access to your password, so make sure to keep it somewhere safe and accessible.

What’s more, you don’t need to compress your files before transferring them. FileWhopper allows you to preserve the original quality of your data, no matter how large it is.


More companies are taking a step into the future by moving their business to the cloud in order to ensure smooth operations and increase efficiency. This kind of migration is what your organization should tap into. Enjoy the power of cloud technology and the many benefits that it offers.

From enhanced scalability and accessibility to cost reduction and better security, cloud adoption is a great way to maximize profit. It’ll also ensure your company’s success in the long term and help you build a forward-thinking business.

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