UK urges tech companies to help tackle excessive e-waste in damning report (Engadget)

A damning report from the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee
(EAC) claims the UK falls well behind other countries in managing
electronic waste. Committee members also suggested major companies such
as Amazon and Apple discourage recycling and repairs through some of the
practices they employ.

The UK generates 23.9kg of e-waste per person each year. That’s the
second-highest level of e-waste per capita after Norway, according to a
recent UN report.–

Much of that waste is incinerated or goes to landfill, while around 40
percent is sent to other countries, often illegally. “In the countries
that receive our electronic waste, it is often dumped, with toxic
chemicals leaching into the environment and harming people,” the EAC
wrote. …

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