The UK is creating a new agency to regulate Big Tech (Engadget)

The UK plans to create a new agency to regulate large tech companies such
as Google and Facebook. Starting in April 2021, the newly minted Digital
Markets Unit (DMU), which will be a part of the country—s existing
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), will enforce a code that will
set new limits on tech—s biggest platforms, as well as attempt to
create a more level playing field for smaller rivals.–

While the code has yet to be introduced, it will be designed to give
consumers more control over their data and break down restrictions that
make it difficult to use competing platforms. It may also give people the
option to decide whether they can be subjected to personalized
advertising. To enforce the code, the DMU will have the power to block
and reverse decisions made by large tech companies. If they don—t
comply with its directives, it will also have the power to fine
them.———— …

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