Apple: What I’m thankful for (Philip Elmer-DeWitt/Apple 3.0 – Philip Elmer-DeWitt)

A tour of my devices on a rainy Thanksgiving morning.

  1. I’m thankful for my MacBook Air, where last week I spent 24 hours
    and 41 minutes — 7 hours reading and gathering information, 6 hours
    using productivity and finance apps and 2 hours on social media.

  2. I’m thankful for my iPhone, my constant companion, with 288 apps,
    203 audio books, 47 podcasts and 8,245 songs.

  3. I’m thankful for my Apple Watch, which reminds me to sleep, breath,
    stand up and exercise — and has awarded me, since I started wearing
    it, 165 seven-workout-week badges.

  4. I’m thankful for my Apple TV, which makes it easy for me and my wife
    to live a nearly ad-free life in the golden age of scripted
    television. …

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