The Evolution of Enterprise Reporting and the Role of Agile Data Infrastructure

Enterprise reporting has become a whole lot more difficult in recent years. If you are involved in reporting on sustainability, financials, or compliance and risk management, you will undoubtedly have experienced this firsthand. The depth, breadth, complexity, and frequency of reporting required has become a serious drain on organizations’ time and resources. 

Partly this is because expectations around what a company reports on have increased sharply. The pressure is coming from multiple areas, including customers and suppliers who want more organizational transparency and investors seeking accurate, timely, and trustworthy data. But the most pressure is coming from global regulatory bodies and government watchdogs that have continually increased the amount of regulation in sectors such as banking and financial services. 

We’ve also seen the emergence of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures. The growing interest in companies’ ESG standards adds to the reporting burden. Organizations are under pressure to demonstrate that they are operating sustainably, with robust governance, and taking good care of employees. While many ESG frameworks are currently only voluntary, countries including the US, UK, and China have all indicated that new mandatory ESG reporting rules are imminent. 

What this all adds up to for businesses is continual reporting on multiple fronts. Reporting on a single, static point-in-time is no longer good enough; what’s needed is dynamic and real-time insights. That means the traditional manual approach to reporting is out, and modern automated reporting is in. 

Data is the single biggest determinant of success in this new era of enterprise reporting. To automate the creation of reports quickly and easily for diverse reporting requests, enterprises must be able to retrieve and integrate continuous data on-demand from numerous systems in multiple formats. But they can only do this with an agile data infrastructure in place.  

In today’s world of chaotic data ecosystems, building this kind of infrastructure is easier said than done. That’s why our team of StreamSets experts has written a new eBook to help. The eBook covers the five key stages of building an agile data infrastructure for enterprise reporting, including:

  1. Establishing resilient and unbreakable data pipelines
  2. Creating a malleable set-up capable of handling any-to-any pipelines
  3. Embedding DataOps principles to operationalize data integration
  4. Building a mission control for deep data observability
  5. Ensuring security and governance are built into reporting functions

Finally, the eBook also looks at the three reporting use cases that stand to benefit most from an agile data infrastructure – financial reporting, regulatory compliance, and ESG requirements. 

Consistent reporting on business data is a critical requirement of compliance in a dynamic and continually evolving regulatory landscape. To learn how to reduce your reporting headache, download your eBook here: The Five Stages of Building an Agile Data Infrastructure for Enterprise Reporting.


The post The Evolution of Enterprise Reporting and the Role of Agile Data Infrastructure appeared first on StreamSets.

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