How Proxies are Helpful in Advanced Data Analytics

Advanced data analytics help businesses gain useful insights into their customers and industries to make data-driven decisions. Without data, you operate blindly and lose opportunities to impress your customers.

Think about it.

Research shows 73% of customers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations and 62% to anticipate their needs.


Image via Salesforce

But sadly, another research shows 43% of marketers feel collecting accurate data for personalization is one of their biggest challenges.


Image via Segment

The good news is that you can leverage proxies in advanced data analytics, especially in data scraping, to enhance data collection and get better and more accurate insights.

Read on to learn how you can use proxies in advanced data analytics and have an easier time uncovering the insights hidden in your data.

What Is Advanced Data Analytics?

Advanced data analytics (ADA) is the process of analyzing data to gain a deeper understanding of things like market trends and customer preferences to make data-driven decisions.

Unlike traditional data analytics which focuses on uncovering past marketing trends, advanced analytics helps to forecast trends and predict events.

In other words, advanced data analytics helps businesses gain a deeper understanding of present and future market trends.

Advanced data analytics encompasses complex techniques such as machine learning, predictive analytics, forecasting, data scraping, sentiment analysis, prescriptive analytics, data visualization, pattern matching, and more.

5 Areas That Can Be Improved Using Advanced Data Analytics

Here are a few essential areas in your business that can be improved with advanced data analytics.

1. Improves Segmentation

Advanced data analytics helps you group your customers based on preferences and other shared characteristics.

For instance, you can use machine learning to understand how long people stay on certain pages on your website and understand their interests. You can then leverage the best AI chatbots to deliver optimized online customer experiences and personalized services.

2. Improves Data Classification

Using better analytics programs, you can be more accurate when classifying your marketing campaigns, customers’ behaviors, your competitors’ campaigns, and more during data collection.

3. Helps to Spot Correlation

Some advanced data analytics techniques, like regression analysis can help you spot correlations between business variables.

For instance, you can spot the correlation between the amount you spend in your marketing campaigns and sales generated or customer purchases.

4. Helps to Spot Association

Association tells if any relationship exists between two variables.

ADA helps you to uncover when traits occur simultaneously so you can determine associations more effectively.

5. Helps Organizations to Make More Robust Forecasts

Advanced data analytics lets organizations get a clear picture of future trends to enhance their decision-making processes.

Web Scraping in Advanced Data Analytics

Web scraping plays a significant role in advanced data analytics.

Generally, ADA requires vast amounts of data. And collecting it can be time-consuming and tedious for businesses. Fortunately, web scraping employs bots that automate data collection processes, making them more efficient. Furthermore, web scraping ensures you collect the correct type of data, ensuring there are little to no errors. But in order to make data collection more fruitful and accurate, web scrapers rely heavily on proxies.

Why You Need to Use Proxies in Advanced Data Analytics

As mentioned above, proxies in advanced data analytics are helpful during web scraping, thanks to the way these bots browse the internet. To collect huge amounts of data, a web scraper sends multiple requests to a website. As a result, the website can detect that it’s not a human visitor. Because many website owners are cautious of non-human visitors, they can block web scrapers from accessing the websites.

Generally, when a website suspects an IP address to be malicious, it blocks it from accessing information from it. This means that your data collection process will not be fruitful. This is where businesses employ proxies in advanced data analytics.

A proxy masks your IP address with that of the proxy so website owners can’t detect where you’re browsing the internet from and the kind of device you’re using. This means that the website sees the proxy’s IP address instead of your real IP address. In the process, your web scraper doesn’t get blocked from accessing a website during data collection.

The good news?

If a website blocks the proxy IP address, you can switch to a different one and continue with web scraping.

Types of Proxies in Advanced Data Analytics

Here are the most common types of proxies in advanced data analytics.

Rotating Proxies

These are the most helpful types of proxies in advanced data analytics because they enable web scrapers to switch between different IP addresses.

For instance, if your web scraping bot’s IP address is blocked from accessing a certain website, your bot can switch to a different IP address automatically and continue with web scraping.

This means that your data collection process isn’t interfered with. In fact, due to the constant change in the IP address, it can be difficult for websites to notice any suspicious activity or block the IP address.

Residential Proxies

Residential proxies are just as the name suggests. They are proxy IP addresses assigned by internet service providers to people in residential areas. For instance, you can enhance your scraping experience with US proxy servers by gaining access to over 11 million IPs.

Residential IP addresses are less suspicious. Thus, you can easily scrape data from a website without getting banned.

Rotating Residential Proxies

As the name implies, rotating residential proxies gives web scrapers the benefits of rotating proxies and residential proxies.

In fact, instead of choosing between rotating and residential, you can simply pick rotating residential proxies. They are the recommended proxies for better web scraping.

Start Using Proxies in Advanced Data Analytics

To enhance the accuracy of your analyses and make informed decisions, you should leverage advanced data analytics.

Aside from helping you spot profitable business opportunities by analyzing vast amounts of data, ADA can also help you identify and understand your target market better, predict future trends more effectively, and a lot more.

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the role of proxies in advanced data analytics.

The post How Proxies are Helpful in Advanced Data Analytics appeared first on Datafloq.

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