Why the AS400 iSeries (AS/400, IBM i) is Still in Demand in 2023?

AS400 iSeries is a family of mid-range computer systems from IBM. It is designed for organizations that need to process large amounts of data quickly and securely. AS400 iSeries offers enterprise resource planning (ERP) capabilities, advanced database management, Web enablement, and secure access to information. It also provides flexible system administration tools and development options for customizing applications.

AS400 iSeries can be used for mission-critical business tasks such as financial reporting, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and more. With its robust security features, the platform provides high-availability services that keep systems running even when parts fail or power outages occur.

This helps ensure your business runs smoothly with minimal disruption. Thanks to its scalability, you can add more capacity or features as your business grows. With its open systems interface, you can easily integrate existing applications and databases into the AS400 iSeries platform. This makes it easy to keep pace with changing technology and customer demands.

The AS400 iSeries is an ideal choice for businesses that need to manage large amounts of data securely and quickly. It offers powerful tools for system administration, development, security, and scalability.

Plus, its open systems interface allows you to easily integrate existing applications and databases into the platform. With these features, AS400 iSeries is a great choice for any organization looking for a reliable mid-range computer system.

What Is the Difference Between IBM I and AS400 iSeries?

The main difference between IBM I and AS400 iSeries is in the underlying hardware. IBM I, formerly known as AS/400 or System i, is based on a Power-based architecture running an AIX operating system. On the other hand, AS400 iSeries is based on a proprietary RISC processor running OS/400 operating system.

IBM I has more powerful hardware allowing it to handle larger databases and higher-end applications than the iSeries can manage. It also offers more flexibility when setting up virtualized environments and using external resources. Additionally, IBM I offers advanced software including predictive analytics, visualizations, integrated mobile applications, and cloud capabilities that are not available with the iSeries platform.

In contrast, the iSeries platform is known for its scalability, robustness, and reliability. It includes a wide range of useful utilities and applications that can be used to manage core business functions related to inventory control, financial reporting, and customer information management. The platform also offers security features such as single sign-on capabilities and an extensive list of system access tools that allow administrators to monitor user activity on the system.

Is the IBM I/AS400 System Dead?

No, the IBM i/AS400 system is still alive and well. It has been around since 1988 and continues to be used in many organizations today. The platform offers unmatched reliability, scalability, security, and affordability. It is also highly customizable which makes it ideal for many businesses needing an enterprise solution.

The AS/400 is also known for its excellent integration capabilities with other systems such as databases and web-based applications. This allows users to easily access data stored on the system from anywhere in the world. Additionally, AS/400 includes a range of tools for developing custom applications that can be tailored to any particular organization’s needs.

Despite being over 30 years old, the IBM i/AS400 system is still going strong. Not only does the platform offer a wealth of features and benefits, but it also has an extensive support network in place to help ensure that businesses get the most out of their investment in the system. Because it is so reliable, many organizations choose to keep their AS/400 systems running rather than migrate to newer technologies.

Overall, the IBM i/AS400 system is far from dead. It continues to be an attractive choice for businesses looking for a powerful yet affordable enterprise solution. With its excellent reliability, scalability, and integration capabilities, it is easy to see why this platform remains popular even after all these years.

What Are the Benefits of AS400 iSeries Systems?

AS400 iSeries systems have a number of benefits to businesses. These include:

1. ReliabilityAS400 iSeries systems are reliable and secure, making them ideal for mission-critical applications. The hardware is highly resilient and the operating system (OS/400) provides an integrated security framework that helps ensure data integrity and privacy.

2. Cost Savings: By leveraging existing legacy equipment, companies can save money on new machines and software licenses. Additionally, the highly efficient architecture means less power consumption which translates into fewer IT costs over time.

3. Ease of Use: The user interface is intuitive, making it easy to learn and use even for inexperienced users. This also simplifies maintenance tasks such as software upgrades and patching.

4. Scalability: As businesses grow, AS400 iSeries systems are highly scalable and can support applications that require high performance and large amounts of data storage. This means businesses can meet their needs without having to purchase additional hardware or software licenses.

5. Compatibility: The platform is compatible with a number of third-party applications, enabling companies to take advantage of all the features they need. Additionally, this compatibility enables companies to integrate existing AS/400 applications with new ones for increased efficiency and cost savings.

By taking advantage of these benefits, businesses can significantly reduce costs while gaining enhanced reliability and scalability for mission-critical applications. With its low maintenance requirements, AS400 iSeries systems can provide an efficient and cost-effective way to manage business functions.

In addition, the open-source nature of the platform means businesses have access to a wide range of software applications, allowing them to tailor their IT solutions as needed. By leveraging these benefits, companies can ensure they are getting the most out of their technology investments.

Why AS400 iSeries Will Still be In Demand in 2023?

1. Unparalleled Security: AS400 iSeries offers the highest level of security, meaning that businesses can trust their data and information is safe from malicious actors. The system’s secure architecture isolates internal resources from outsiders and its specialized encryption algorithms prevent unauthorized access to sensitive records.

2. Advanced Processing CapabilitiesAS400 iSeries features a high-speed processor with advanced instruction sets which enable it to handle large volumes of transactions quickly and accurately. This makes it ideal for companies that want to keep up with customer demand without sacrificing performance or accuracy.

3. Flexible PlatformAS400 iSeries uses an open platform, allowing developers to customize applications in order to meet specific business needs and requirements. This means that companies can tailor their technology platform to meet their specific needs, as well as create new applications quickly and effectively.

4. High AvailabilityAS400 iSeries offers high availability with its redundant system architecture, ensuring businesses have access to the information they need when they need it. The system also features rapid failover capability which ensures information is always available in the event of an outage or other disruption.

5. Scalable StorageAS400 iSeries provides highly scalable storage capacity, enabling organizations to store large amounts of data without having to invest in costly hardware upgrades. This makes it possible for businesses to keep up with changes in demand while still being able to maintain cost-effective operations.


The combination of these features, as well as its long-standing reputation for reliability and longevity, make AS400 iSeries a top choice for many organizations in 2023 and beyond. Its flexibility, security, advanced processing capabilities, and scalability are just some of the reasons why it will continue to be in demand.

Given all these advantages, it is clear that the AS400 iSeries will remain an essential component of IT systems for many businesses in the years ahead. Companies looking to stay competitive in the digital economy must embrace this technology if they wish to be successful. With its powerful features and reliable performance, there’s no doubt that AS400 iSeries will remain an important part of enterprise computing for years to come.

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