IVR Systems: 8 Things to Look for?

You’ll probably be welcomed by a prerecorded message that guides you through a solution step-by-step when you call a helpline number. The prerecorded message is played using IVR calling system. Since it manages the initial customer engagement, the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) plays a vital role in the first impression that is established on callers.

We’ve all used an IVR service at some point, and we’ve all discovered that while certain systems are easier to use than others, most of the time we wind up being confused by them.

When using an IVR system from any IVR service provider, businesses should bear in mind that their customers must have a clear and simple navigational experience. To ensure a great client experience, the objective should be to deliver seamless, automated help.


The IVR system should be able to handle a large number of calls simultaneously, as well as handle an increase in call volume during peak times.

2.Customizable greetings and prompts:

The ability to record and upload custom greetings and prompts is important for creating a personalized experience for callers.

3.Self-service capabilities:

An IVR system should allow callers to perform tasks such as checking account balances or making payments without the need to speak with a representative.

4.Call routing and distribution:

The IVR calling system should be able to route calls to the appropriate department or representative based on the caller’s input or account information.

5.Integration with other systems:

The IVR system should be able to integrate with other systems such as CRM, ERP, and databases for data retrieval and updates.

6.Reporting and analytics:

The system should provide detailed reports and analytics on call volume, caller behavior, and call outcomes to help businesses make data-driven decisions.

7.Multi-language support:

For businesses that serve customers in multiple languages, the IVR system should have the ability to support multiple languages.

8.Reliability and uptime:

The IVR system should be reliable and have a high uptime to ensure that calls are never missed and that customers are not left waiting.


Interactive voice response systems scalability refers to the ability of the system to handle a large number of calls simultaneously. This is important for businesses that experience high call volume during peak times or that have a high number of callers on hold. A scalable IVR system will have the ability to handle an increase in call volume without causing delays or dropped calls.

There are several factors that contribute to an IVR calling system’s scalability, such as the number of phone lines or ports available, the capacity of the server, and the system’s architecture. Some IVR systems are built on a distributed architecture, which allows for horizontal scaling by adding more servers to the system as call volume increases.

10.Customizable greetings and prompts:

IVR calling system with customizable greetings and prompts allow businesses to create a personalized experience for their customers. The ability to record and upload custom greetings and prompts can help create a more professional and polished image for the business, as well as help to differentiate it from competitors.

11.Self-service capabilities:

IVR systems self-service capabilities allow callers to perform tasks such as:

1.Checking account balances or order status

2.Making payments or scheduling appointments

3.Obtaining information on products or services

4.Troubleshooting and resolving common issues

5.Changing personal or account information

12.Call routing and distribution:

Call routing and distribution is an important feature of IVR calling system. It allows the system to route calls to the appropriate department or representative based on the caller’s input or account information. This can be done through a variety of methods such as touch-tone input, voice recognition, or account lookup.

13.Integration with other systems:

IVR Systems integration with other systems such as CRM, ERP, and databases allows businesses to retrieve and update customer information in real-time, streamlining processes and providing a more efficient customer experience.

For example, if a customer calls in to check their account balance, the Interactive voice response system can be integrated with the bank’s ERP system to retrieve the customer’s account information and provide an accurate balance in a matter of seconds.

Another example, when a customer calls in to make a payment, the IVR calling system can be integrated with the company’s CRM system to retrieve the customer’s account information and process the payment.

14.Reporting and analytics:

IVR Systems Reporting and analytics are a set of features that allow businesses to track and measure the performance of their IVR system. These features provide detailed information on call volume, caller behavior, and call outcomes, which can help businesses make data-driven decisions. Some examples of Interactive voice response reporting and analytics include:

1.Call volume reports:

These reports show the number of calls that the IVR system receives over a given period of time.

2.Caller behavior analysis:

These reports provide insights into how callers interact with the IVR system, such as the menu options they choose and the actions they take.

3.Call outcome analysis:

These reports show the outcomes of the calls, such as whether the call was answered by a representative or if the caller hung up before reaching an agent.

4.Abandonment rate:

The number of calls that are abandoned by the caller before they reach an agent.

5.Call duration reports:

These reports show the length of time that callers spend on the phone with the IVR system.

6.Agent performance:

Agent performance reports provide insights into how agents are performing, including call handling time, and how many calls they handle.

All these reports and analytics can be used to improve the IVR system’s performance, such as identifying issues with the menu structure or call routing, and making changes to improve the customer experience.

15.Multi-language support:

Interactive voice response Systems Multi-language support refers to the ability of an IVR system to handle calls in multiple languages. This allows businesses to serve customers who speak different languages and provide them with a personalized experience. The system should be able to recognize the caller’s language and route the call to the appropriate language-specific menu or representative. Some IVR systems also have the capability to provide pre-recorded prompts and messages in multiple languages. It is important for businesses with a diverse customer base to consider an IVR system with multi-language support to ensure that all customers have an equally positive experience.

16.Reliability and uptime:

IVR systems reliability and uptime are crucial for ensuring that calls are never missed and that customers are not left waiting. A reliable IVR system should have a high uptime, meaning that it is available and functioning properly for the majority of the time. This can be achieved through a combination of factors, including:

Redundancy: Having multiple servers or systems in place can help ensure that if one system fails, the others can take over.

Regular maintenance and updates: Keeping the system up to date with the latest software and security patches can help prevent issues from arising.

Monitoring: Regularly monitoring the system for errors or issues can help identify and resolve problems before they impact uptime.

Backup power: Having a backup power source, such as a generator, can ensure that the system stays online even in the event of a power outage.


Office24by7 has been one of the best IVR service providers in the market for quite a long time. We have been catering our product to different industries and everyone has been happy with the product and our after sales support. Want to know more about our organization, just ring us at +91 7097171717.

The post IVR Systems: 8 Things to Look for? appeared first on Datafloq.

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