Surrounded by Stacks of Paper? How to Organize Your Important Documents

It’s hard to get any work done when you’re surrounded by papers on your desk, or even your countertops and tables. Whether they’re cluttered with newspapers, bills, or other papers, if you’re not careful, you can lose important documents in all the clutter. Want to break free from all the paper? Storage Choice has you covered.

3 Tips for Organizing Your Documents

Keep it as simple as possible.

Filing your documents doesn’t have to be a complex process. Follow the KISS principle, or “keep it simple, stupid.” It’s really all about organization, placing bills with bills, medical documents with medical documents, and business papers with similar documents. You don’t have to get creative. Just put things where they belong, and you’ll be able to find them easily.

Let color be your guide.

If going all out with organization is your thing, then get creative with colors. Buy those manila folders with color tabs to help with organizing your papers. Label folders with colored markers, and organize everything according to their specific colors. For instance, make business papers blue, office documents orange, and important bills red. It’ll make categorizing everything fun instead of a chore.

Be thorough with the process.

There’s a good chance that you don’t need every single paper in that clutter pile. Now’s the time to be as thorough as possible with your sorting. Go through every single paper and make piles for things that you need to keep and things that can be tossed in the trash bin. You’ll be surprised by how much paper clutter you’ve held on to when you didn’t need it.

Store Your Documents at Storage Choice

It’s not always possible to store your important documents digitally. There are times when you will need to keep or to make paper copies. If the documents are piling up and your filing cabinets are overflowing, store it all with us. Storage Choice has affordable Texas storage units in small sizes to keep your documents safe while freeing up valuable tabletop space at home.

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